If I Stay or Will I go

Chapter 2 First Day

Ally Gunning sat at her popular table with her tanned leg's slung across one another.
She was secretly looking into her mirror applying make-up.
Her girl friend's sat across from her talking about the Senior prom that's suppose to be
coming up this semester.

"Omg,have you guy's heard the big news yet?"Nettsie said,her friend's looked at her confuse
ingly.As if this "big news"Nettsie was talking about had nothing to do with the senior prom.

"What?"Ally asked,she draped red-ch oracle lip stick over her perfect lip's and closed her
compact mirror and looked across the mirror at Nettsie.
Ally was beautiful,Nettsie had to admit.
Her dark hair was a perfect shade that it didn't even need to be wash,her light green eye's
shone brightly in the sun,and her nose wasn't even mushed,it was straight and thin.
Nettsie cleared her throat before continuing.

"Um..there's gonna be a new student.I hear she came all the way from Malibu California"
everyone at the table sucked in their breath's except Ally.

"Really?"One of her friend's said,Nettsie nodded her light brunette head.
"Yeah,i hear some tragic accident happen when she was just 16.Principal Walse wouldn't say.But what i can say,is that she was very popular at her old school"Nettsie said.

This made the girl's turn to one another and start mumbling.
Ally looked at Nettsie evenly her green eye's boring into her,as if she was trying to see if
Nettsie was telling a whole fib just spring up conversation.

"I doubt it"Ally said leaning across table with her hand's clasped together.
Every girl at her table stopped talking and looked at her.

"W-what do you mean?"Nettsie stammered,Ally smirked.Nettsie think she could just WALK into her territory and make up some unbelievable story JUST so people could like her.
"You know what i mean Nettsie,i wasn't burn the fucking B.C.'s,i know when your lien and
when your not.And right now your LIEING"Ally said.

Nettsie looked like she was just slapped in the face,how could Ally,her best friend assume that she was lieing.Nettsie wasn't lieing,this time she was telling the truth.
And she wished she could explain that,but it was to late,when a group of hot muscled men came storming over to their table.
One of them placed a big sloppy kiss on her small lip's.

"What up,what up,what up pp!!"Her boyfriend Tim shouted,Nettsie forced a fake smile and
turned her face toward her boy friend and bustled her nose against his.
Tim took a seat beside Nettsie and slung one heavy arm over her shoulder and pulled her
against him.
Nettsie sighed,she felt so good around Tim,he always knowed how to trigger those good
point's inside her.
Yet he was so handsome!

Will snuck up behind Ally and covered her eye's gently with his hand's.
Ally gasped and then smiled.
"Guess who"Will whispered,he felt Ally shiver and place her hand's on his.
"Is it Poo-Bear"she said removing them,Will laughed softly and kissed Ally lightly on the
lip's when she turned around.
"You mistake me for a chubby honey eating bear"he said lightly against Allys' lip's.
Ally chuckled,"what can i say,your voice isn't all that bad boyish"she managed to make her
voice equal his.Will was about to kiss her again,when he grunted.
A hard slap against the back made him pull back.
Chad Margery was standing behind Will with no shirt on,but his to the knee dark blue jean's.
"What the hell Chad!"Will shouted,his hand were on his back when he faced Chad.
Chad laughed and took the seat next to Ally,the seat that was suppose to be for Will.
Chad looked at Ally and winked,"what's up hot stuff"he said in his Kentucky accent.
Ally wrinkled her nose,"ew"she said.
Will was about to tell Chad to get up out his fucking seat,when a black Toyota pulled up on the side of the school gate's.

Nettsie turned her head away from Tim and looked toward the black car.
Followed by Ally and everyone else that was in their area.

A small figure stepped out of the car.
Nobody saw who they were,because they was talking to someone in the car.
But once their conversation was over,the person turned around.
And that's when Nettsie got a good profile of how they looked.

It was a girl.
She looked smaller then Nettsie,probally about 4'3 or 4'4,but she was small.
She had dark long hair that hanged silky down her back,her eye's Nettsie could see was a
very bright and pretty and pretty blue,yet she was wearing some dark skinny leg jean's
a white tank-top and a hoodie that covered over it.Plus the girl was expectantly beautiful,
more beautiful then Ally her self.

She looked completely lost as she stared around the lunch table's every one was seated at.
Like she was searching for someone.

"Who's that?"a girl at their table whispered,everyone shrugged,as the pretty new student made her way through the table's.
They all was looking at her not one eye drifting away from her graceful figure.

And expectantly and deep voice,broke the heavy silence.
"Miss Carmel over here!"
The girl smiled,relief coming over her.
Every one looked the direction of Principal Walse,he was completely running in the new girl's
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I'm sorry I'm not done...