Here One Day, Smothered in Darkness the Next

The Beginning

I remember the hardest day of my life. I remember being trapped in the darkness waiting for some light to shine in me. I was there when the planes hit. 
The lights went out and everyone ducked for cover. I tried to get away but a giant pieces of concrete hindered my legs from movement. 
The worst thing was…I wasn't even supposed to be there. Me and my wife had gotten into an argument about something and I went to work so I could have time to think. 
I got there and greeted my usual coworkers. Sitting at my desk I picked up the photo of my wife and son. I stared at it…and couldn't help but think that she was right. My son could be a dancer if he wanted to and I was wrong to not support that. 
My ego just got away. I thought that maybe he should do football he makes his decisions not me. 
I needed to apologize to him and my wife. 
I pressed the button and contacted my assistant. 
“Yes Mr. Finch?”
“Roberta, order some flowers and send them to my wife…call me when you're sure that she has got them.” 
My wife was a stay at home mom. She was going to be for a while since she took the still born birth of out daughter pretty hard. It hurt all of us but it hit Kelly the most. 
She had never felt so worthless after that, she went through depression and the contemplation of suicide but we all proved to her that we needed her in out lives. So after that she refused to work for a while and I complied. 
As the first phone call if the day came in I picked it up and started with my normal Tuesday. 
At about eight twenty the fine rang for probably the seventh time. 
“Finch. How may I help you?” I recited. 
“Your wife received the flowers Mr. Finch. She is on line one.”
“Thank you.” I said as I switched lines, “Hi honey!”
“Dallas, you really think that flowers is going to make this go away?”
I stood at the window with the phone to my ear, “Of course not…I think an apology would make this go away. Honey you were right, if Tyler wants to pursue something then we as parents have to be there every step of the way. Baby, I'm sorry about what I said and when I get home I promise that I will apologize to Tyler.” 
She sniffed a little from the other end of the phone, “I am glad you think that. He will be very happy and Dallas?”
“I love you…from the bottom of my heart!”
I looked out of the window and saw the nose of a plane drawing closer and closer, “Honey I have to go, call you later I lov-” I couldn't say anything else. 
There was a loud crashing noise about two or three floors above as the roof caved in upon me…
A giant piece of concrete flew at my skull, there was a loud crack and then everything went black. 
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I am trying to do different genres of stories…tell me what you think :)
Leave me comments and subscriptions mortals!!!