Status: Surprise!

More Than Love

Control Is Hypothetical

After that Mikey had agreed that I didn't need anymore rest at this point, so he let me out of bed. 
“But you can't leave the house!” he warned firmly. 
“Why not?” I asked 
“You just can't…not yet.” I was a bit disappointed with his decision but I couldn't stay mad at Mikey even if I tried. He was always going to be protective of me and it wasn't changing anytime soon. 
So for about two days, all I did was watch tv and play games with Mikey, Frank and Gerard. Then I would watch sappy movies with the girls. I was getting impatient and Mikey could tell. I waited for him to say something but when he didn't I decided to take matters into my own hands. 
Mikey was in the kitchen, drinking something from the fridge. I tiptoed up behind him and managed to wrap my hands around his waist. 
“Nice night.” I mumbled 
He chuckled, “yes it is.”
“It would be nicer of we actually left the house.”
He turned around to face me, “cute attempt but no.” 
I gave an exasperated sigh, “Mikey I am suffocating in here!!!!” 
“You can't suffocate.” he said half smiling
“Mikey I am serious!! Please?”
“Emma I don't know…I don't want anything to happen!” 
“It won't I promise!! I will be extra careful!!!”
He stared at me jokingly trying to distract me. 
I stood my ground. His attempts weren't going to work.  We stood there staring each other down for what seemed like hours. I was becoming restless but didn't show it. 
My hard work paid off. 
He pulled me close, “Okay…fine.”
I threw a kiss on his lips and squealed. I ran up the stairs and threw on some black skinny jeans with a white tank top, I grabbed my black and white converses and met him at the front door. 
I was so ready to get outside and smell the fresh air again. 
I loved my new family but i wanted to get out and experience all of these new feelings as a vampire. Plus there are only so many things that you could do in the house. 
He opened the door and an array of different smells almost knocked me out. 
Flowers, dirt, car exhaust, it was a bit over whelming and yet great at the same time. 
I took it all in. 
Then a scent pushed every other smell aside with a force. 
It smelled like…god I couldn't even tell you. Just imagine the sweetest, most beautiful, amazing, fantastic smell that anyone can ever smell. Now multiply by a hundred!!! 
I took a step outside, the scent enhanced. 
Another step, it had almost been right there. 
Go after it, said a voice in my head, go after it and take it for yourself!
The message reached my legs and without thinking about it I took off, leaving Mikey behind.
He called out to me but I was running too fast and I got away before he could even realize it.  
I ran through the forest knowing what was waiting for me at the end of it. 
I followed the scent until I was out of the forest and hitting the pavement. 
I football tackled the scent and dragged him away. My enhanced vision saw his light brown low-cut hair and his sparkling hazel eyes. They were filled to the brim with fear. I had to admit that the fear in his eyes was making this so much more fun!! 
I pushed my fingernail into the side of his face until I drew blood.  
I wanted it, needed it!!!
My mouth became painful as my fangs extended. I looked down at his jugular. His blood pulsating withIn his veins. 
I bit down and drank. Suddenly I felt on cloud nine.…like I was flying on a cloud and swimming in a sea all at the same time.  
It was like a heroin addict getting their fix only my drug was more than a hundred times better. 
This drug was great, I felt beyond myself. I was a new girl. 
I wasn't the battered and beaten Emma that I was when I married Mikey. 
I was some sort of monster…and I loved it!!!! 
I finished and stood up wanting more. 
“Crap!!!” I heard Gerard yell out
I turned to him and growled. 
“Emma it's me calm down.” I ran over to him and wrapped my hand around his throat
I pulled him close, “I want more.” 
Someone yelled out my name. I turned to see Mikey staring at me seriously. 
I ran over to him and smashed my lips into his. 
He pushed me off, “Emma, stop!” 
“I don't wanna stop! I wanna keep going!!! I want this Mikey!!! I wanna be a monster!!!!” 
“Emma you're not yourself!!” 
“You're right!!” I said, “I am a monster…I want more of it!!!”
I turned and ran towards a nearby house. Before I reached the front door strong arms pulled me backwards. 
“Mikey!! Let me go!!!”  l struggled against him 
I elbowed him in the ribs his arms flew from around me and I straight punched him in the face. I tried to run but this time Gerard stopped me. I twisted his arm until it was behind his back. In a flash he turned around and slammed me into the ground. Using my feet I pushed him off of me and stood to run for it. Mikey grabbed me again then something made me grab his neck and turn it side ways.
A loud crack filled the air as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. 
He dropped to the ground, snapping me out of my trance immediately. 
“Mikey?” I shook him but he didn't answer me. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's kind of short!!! But I was having a slight writers block and I couldn't remember anything that I thought of this morning so go easy on me please:) Plus I will give you longer chapters once my laptop is fixed and I don't have to use my iPod!!
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Congrats to FinchellLovesA7X for figuring out the song!! Your surprise is to be expected shortly :) and I love your profile :)