Status: Surprise!

More Than Love

Just A Bunch Of Blood Lust

I laid there shaking and calling out to Mikey. 
“Mikey? Mikey love please wake up for me!!” I yelled out 
Suddenly strong arms wrapped around me and hoisted me high into the air. 
I didn't struggle as they sped me quickly back to the house. He threw me into the room and locked the door behind him. 
“Gerard where's Mikey?!” I yelled through the door 
For a moment there was nothing but silence and the I heard a sigh, “I'm right here Emma.”
I smiled and leaned towards the door as if I were leaning against him. 
“I'm sorry…I don't know what came over me!” I said sadly 
I felt really stupid about what I did. I spent all that time begging Mikey to let me out of the house and I went and did the one thing that he feared I would do. He never told me that that was what he was afraid of but it didn't take too much to figure it out. 
“I know Emma.” he sighed, “This is all my fault. I should have went about that better!”
A silence passed between us as the events that had just taken place. 
Before I knew it I had fallen into short cat nap. 
The short cat nap turned into a long days sleep. 

I awoke alone that next night. I didn't know where Mikey was but I assumed that he was out with Frankie or Gerard. 
I took this time to take a shower and kind of wash all of the blood in my body. 
I stretched myself out and sped towards the shower. I turned it on and then looked at myself in the mirror. 
I could tell that Mikey tried to clean it off but he kissed alot my face neck and chest.
I smiled happily at that and stripped down to step in the shower. 
I washed all of the forest and blood from my body. 
It felt pretty good to clean myself of the mess that I caused yesterday. 
Suddenly the thought popped into my head…Mikey's dad! 
What would he say when he found out? Would he kill me? Kick me out? 
No, I told my self, after all he went through to get you and Mikey together he wouldn't just throw you out…you are a new vamp after all!!!
That calmed me down a bit as I turned off the water. 
I had stepped out of the shower and walked into my room. After sliding on one of Mikey's shirts I smelled an all too familiar scent. 
I looked on the floor and noticed a drop of blood near my middle toe. 
I crouched down and scooped it carefully onto my finger. 
The taste of it sparked that feeling I got yesterday, that lust and desire that I knew I could never really hide. 
I walked out of our bedroom and into the hallway where there was a drop of blood sliding carefully down the wall. 
I scooped that off as well. 
I walked down the long and darkened corridor in search of the source.
It ended up pushing me down the stairs and into the basement where there was a door with a lock on it. 
I pushed the door and the lock broke off. 
“Took you long enough.” chuckled Mikey seductively
I stepped closer and examined my husband closely. 
There was a bag of fresh blood in a hospital packet the sat there waiting for me to devour it. 
Instinctively I licked my lips. 
Mikey came closer to me and that was when I realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt. I lifted my hand and ran it down his chest slowly and softly. He took a sip of the blood making sure to get it all over his lips. 
I gasped inwardly, hoping so badly that he would share. 
He must have read my mind because he pressed his lips against mine. I took his bottom lip into my mouth as I sucked his blood and the blood from his lip.   
I wrapped my legs around him and he back me into a wall. 
Once I was sure that all of the blood was gone I pulled back and asked him, “What…are you doing?”
I was trying my hardest to remain myself but the other girl was trying to come out. 
She wanted the blood now she had had the taste of it. She longed for it.
“Last night I noticed how you get when you're in lust for blood…I am simply using it to my advantage.” he smiled and pushed the bag to his lips again. 
He was really sloppy with the way he was drinking (or so he pretended) the blood dripped slowly and gracefully down his chin. In a flash I snatched the bag  from him and downed the rest of the crimson liquid. 
A hiss escaped my throat as I threw him backwards onto the four post bed that was covered in chains and knives. The sheets were black satin and the post even had a canopy with lace rose design on it. 
I pulled down a near by chain and wrapped it snugly around his neck. 
While holding him, I pulled down a knife held it near his jugular. 
“Share.” was all I whispered when I dug the knife until crimson flowed. 
Wether Mikey was hissing out of pain of pleasure was unbeknownst to me…I didn't even care if I was causing him any pain at the moment. I leaned down and mopped up the bloody mess on his shoulder with my tongue. 
His back arched slightly and he was trembling to the amount of pleasure this treatment caused. 
I moved downward to his flat chest, digging the knife and mopping it all up. 
He panted as his shoulder and stomach grew bloodier and bloodier. 
He growled at me, “My turn.” 
In a flash Mikey had me against the wall with one let in his hand. 
His fangs chomped into the side of my neck and a moan escaped from deep within my throat. 
With the hand that held my leg, he dragged his nails along the underside and I was almost sure I heard drops of my crimson dripping. He smiled into the side of my neck pushed me harder up against the wall. 
I finally felt my fangs painfully extend as I clawed into his neck. 
He threw his head back and called out to me silently. Out of nowhere my leg was hoisted high into the air. He kissed the back of my knee and then proceeded to lick up the blood that was still spilling heavily out of my leg. 
I could feel the skin repairing itself but Mikey's tongue against my cold skin just did its wonder on me. 
I didn't know how much longer I could take it…
“I need you Mikey.” I whispered as he got closer and closer to in between. 
Sparks of electricity charged threw me as he tore off a small chunk of my skin too near my inner thigh. 
That was it for me. I couldn't hold the want in any longer. I wanted Mikey and all this teasing was driving me mad!! 
I put my leg down and tore at his jeans until they ripped and I could pull them off. 
“Now!” I demanded 
And him being who he was, simply gave me what I wanted. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay no more writers block for now. :)

This entire chapter is inspired by the song O Death by Jen Titus. If you wath Supernatural you know what I am talking about. I have never really wrote like this before so tell me what you think…too much? Not enough? Loved it? Hated it?

What do you thinks gonna happen? What should happen? I don't like it when my questions go unanswered :)

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