Status: Surprise!

More Than Love

*** You Mikey

Everyone was really cool about the whole incident. They didn’t hate me. That was awesome considering I tried to kill their brother, and friend. I was surprised Gerard didn’t hate me, or Mikey for that matter. Things seemed to be getting back to normal around our house. I still had a bit of blood lust, but not as much as the first couple of weeks. It was, however, enough that Mikey wouldn’t let me leave the house.

“Please Mikey? I promise to god that I won’t do anything stupid.” I pleaded.

“One: You can’t swear to god anymore. It’s against the rules. Two: Remember last time? You promised to be extra careful and look what happened. I’m not letting you outside yet. You can continue to get blood from hospital blood packets.” His tone was like a father telling his child they couldn’t light the cat on fire.

“You know what? You can’t tell me what to do. I’m leaving, with, or without, your permission.” I ran for the front door, tearing it open. I ran into something on the other side though, stopping me in my tracks. I looked up to find Mikey standing in front of me, arms crossed across his chest and a stern look on his face.

“I mean it Emma. You’re not leaving.”

“Fuck you Mikey.” I tried walking around him, but he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back to him. “Let me go.” I struggled to get free of his grasp.

“No Emma, you are not leaving. I mean it.”

“What makes you think you can tell me what to do?” He was really starting to piss me off.

“Em, I’m your husband. I know whats best at the moment. You’re a newly turned vampire, and your emotions are still a little mixed up. Please, come back inside with me.” Husband. It sounded really weird when it was said out loud. Like, I knew we were married, but it wasn’t really any different from before we got married. Now, when he said it out loud, it was like it was real, and scary. I had said it to myself a million times in my head, but it was really different when it was said out loud. Mikey and I are Married. Mikey’s my husband. I got scared. I jerked my knee up as hard as I possibly could and he let go, sinking to the ground groaning screaming out in pain.

I ran. That seemed to be what I was good at. I didn’t have a clue where I was going, but it didn’t really matter as long as I wasn’t back at that house, suffocating.

It took me a good fifteen minutes until I came to a street that was forever burned into my memory. I walked until I found the familiar light blue, two story house that desperately needed a paint job. I took the route I usually did to enter, not through the front or back door, but the second story window on the right side of the house.

It was a lot easier getting up there than it had been what seemed like years ago, but in reality was only months. I carefully slid the window open, making sure my presence went unannounced. I didn’t hear the person behind me as I shut the window. When I turned around I was met with the surprised face of my best friend. Emily.



“Y-you’re here.” She looked kinda like a deer caught in headlights, her eyes were wide, and her mouth was agape.

“Yeah.” I spoke sheepishly.

“Where have you been for the past six months?” She sounded kinda angry. I decided I didn’t want to tell her about Mikey, she wouldn’t understand.

“I- I don’t really want to talk about it.”

“Why are you back now?”

“Mikey and I had a fight and I didn’t know where else to go.” I spat out before thinking. So much for not telling her about Mikey.

“Who’s Mikey?”

“My h-husband.”

“You left me to get married?” She whisper yelled. No matter how much she might hate me right now she wouldn’t want to announce to Mr. Davis that I was here. It would mean trouble for both if us.

“Not willingly.”

“What the hell does that mean?” I could tell she was trying to stay mad, but she was really confused and hurt at the same time.

“I had an arranged marriage to him. It sounds like something that wouldn’t happen right? Anyway, I ran into his dad the night I ran away and he took me back to his house. I’ve been living there ever since. You have to believe me when I say that I didn’t have a choice.” She was speechless. I could tell.

“Wow, that sounds so....... crazy.”

“I swear I’m not crazy.”

“No! That’s not what I meant. I just- it sounds like something out of a movie or book. Like something that never really happens.” If she only had any idea about the rest of it. “So...... can I see the ring?” I smiled and held up my left hand where both my engagement ring and wedding band were. After she gushed over how pretty they both were, she made me tell her all about Mikey.

“Well, I really wasn’t expecting to like him at all. When they told me about the arrangement, I tried running away. He found me though. He’s really cute in a nerdy sort of way. He has sandy blonde hair and wears these glasses. He wears them as close to falling off as possible a lot of the time though. I don’t know how he can see through them, he has to tilt his head up. He’s tall, and skinny as a toothpick. He’s always wearing some kind of band shirt, and won’t let anyone near his prized Anthrax shirt. He’s amazing and I don’t think I could picture myself with anyone else.”

“He sounds amazing. Will I ever get to meet him?”

“Maybe someday. If he doesn’t hate me after I kneed him.”

“By what you told me, I don’t think he could ever hate you Em.” She always knew the right thing to say.

“I guess your right. Haha, I don’t think Gerard would let him hate me, even if he wanted to.”

“Wait.... who’s Gerard?”

“Mikey’s brother. He has four brothers, Gerard, Frank, Ray and Bob; but Gerard’s his only biological one.” I spent next couple of hours telling her about everyone and everything. She told me about what happened after I left and before I knew it, it was almost sunrise. I would have just enough time to get back to the house.

“I have to go Em, but I’ll come back. I promise.”

“Next time bring your hubby. I want to meet him.” She laughed as we embraced each other in a hug; the kind only best friends can give.

“I might, I won’t make any promises for that though.”

I arrived back just as the first glimpse of the sun was coming into view. Before I could even clutch the door handle the door swung open to reveal Mikey. His face was tear stained and pale, even for him. There were dark circles under his red puffy eyes and it looked like his lip was bleeding, he had probably been biting it. I immediately went forward and embraced him in the biggest hug I had ever given anyone. I was so happy to have him. I couldn’t help but have a few tears fall from my eyes.
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Oh my gosh. I got tickets for the Honda Civic Tour. I am so fucking exited! It will be the first time I get to see Blink and the second I'll get to see MCR. I'm in such a good mood that I updated two different stories today, that's a record for me :)
So OctoberA7X and I will be bringing some old characters into the story to get the plot started. I'm so exited :)

Thank you to rivals are insane, and Talia King. You guys rock!!!!!