Status: Surprise!

More Than Love

A Small Mirror

"Emma!" a loud thundering voice awoke me from my slumber next to Mikey

I sat up to see Mikey's father standing at the edge of our bed. I was surprised that everyone was still here. Even though everyone had their own place they told me that they weren't leaving until my blood lust was all the way gone.

"Yes?" I answered rubbing my eyes sleepily

"Mikey!" he boomed snapping his youngest son awake.

When Mikey woke up and saw what was going on he froze up and became nervous. I didn't have to ask what was going on to know that we were both in trouble.

He glared at both of us angrily, "Downstairs. Now."

The three of us flew down stairs and Mikey and I sat comfortably on the couch.

"Mikey you know why i am here right?"

i watched as my husband shifted uncomfortably and nodded.

"You need to control your fucking wife." he said talking about me as if i weren't standing right there, "I have been getting constant calls about the huge shit she has made....and what's this that I hear about you making contact with a human? You know the rules....leave the humans be! they are for drinking and marrying only."

"Well I am sorry but i didn't know that I was breaking any goddamn rules." I cut in on my own behalf since my husband was acting like a little bitch.

He flashed into my face pointing a finger at me, "Well now you know."

suddenly I felt as if I were back at my old foster home. I remembered the way that I used to get beat.

But you're not human anymore, something in my head told me, you can protect yourself.

I clenched my fists at my sides attempting to control myself, "Okay i will try my best to keep control." I wasn't sure if i was talking more to him or to myself

"Good. cause you aren't leaving this goddamn house again." he growled

"What?! that's not fair!" I yelled a little louder than I meant to.

He pointed his finger in my face, "I don't family can't afford to suffer any type of consequences due to your stupidity!"

I couldn't hold back any longer....I lunged at my father in law with a roar escaping my throat.

I leapt forward and dug my nails deeply into the sides of his neck. i swung him into the wall and then ran towards him.

I landed a kick in his stomach and was about to get another kick when I was hoisted high into the air.

I snarled and clawed at the hands that were holding on to me tightly.

"Let me Go!!" I shouted angrily

Suddenly the back of my throat seared as blood lust filled my entire body. I was wanting both Mikey and blood now....I had to have either one or the other!!

My attention diverted from my father in law to the front door.

I used my new advanced speed and ran not out but through the door. Splinters were deep inside of my skin but I didn't care.

I slowed to a stop as I came across a couple walking in the dark. Taking in their scents, I decided that I wanted the girl over the boy.

I walked calmly and swiftly up to the both of them and turned his neck until it snapped and he thumped to the ground.

A scream erupted from the girls throat causing my throat to burn even more. I grabbed her by the neck and dragged her back into the woods.

Pushing her against the tree trunk nearby, I leaned my face into her neck and sniffed.

"You smell so damn great." I whispered as my fangs extended.

"Please let me go." suddenly her arm swung around and tried to collide with the side of my face.

I took it, broke and pulled her arms over her head.

I ran my face all throughout her neck, just enjoying the smell that her fear gave off. My fangs grazed her skin causing her to bleed heavily.

I pushed my body against her and proceeded to feed on her.

When I was finished, I threw her body to the side like the trash it was.

There was a house not too from where all of this went down on and I was almost too sure that the people inside had heard it all.

Kill them....they heard something that they shouldn't have and now they must pay for it. Kill them! the voice in my head convinced me.

Growling under my breath, I charged towards the small three bedroom house. Inside I could hear a brother and a sister playing video games together and a mother reading a book. the father was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

I ran up to the door and banged on it.

When no one answered I burst in and grabbed the first person my hand came in contact with.

The man screamed out and struggled under my grip. Behind my head I heard the click of the gun.

I turned around to see the mother holding the gun at my face.

"Shoot." I commanded

Just as she pulled the trigger, I moved her husband's head and watched the blood of her loved one splash all over her.

"No!!" she let out a cry of sorrow and pain as she realized what she just did.

I grabbed her by the throat and pulled her close, smelling her unspilled blood.

I inhaled, "God you smell fucking great....I'm gonna enjoy this."

I bit down and let the blood fill my mouth. the pleasure filled me again and I craved Mikey. I had to have him close to me. Touching me, wanting me.

But I wasn't finished. There were still two other bodies left in the house.

I walked to the living room and saw the young boy cowering in the corner holding onto dear life for his sister. When the both of them saw me, they started to tremble and whimper.

I looked down and realized that I was covered in their parents' blood. I had to admit that their fear satisfied me so much.....I couldn't help it!!

I leaned close to them and whispered, "It's okay....this will only hurt for a second."

I grabbed the young ten year old and brought my lips to his neck. My fangs sank deep into his skin, though he didn't squirm or anything. After about three minutes his body went still and I slurped up what was left of his blood.

I threw him to the side and looked at the crying black hair girl.

It was the way that she looked at me that I realized something....even though she didn't look much like me, I saw something in her.

I saw myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Apologies for the absence been dealing with alot of bull crap but.....NOW I AM BACK!!

I hope you like this chapter because I haven't showed it to my co author to get her opinion so I am skeptical about :/

Speaking of my co author, she wrote a new story you should read!! It's called My's a Way Brother story and you know you wanna read it! :)

What's gonna happen? What do you think should happen? Did love it? Did you hate it?Comment and subscribe mortals or I shall have my ninja assassins come after you!!!