Status: Surprise!

More Than Love

Grand Theft Auto

I held my breath in attempt to block the smell of the blood currently dripping from the small girl’s body. So far, to my luck, it was working. I quickly picked her up, balancing her on my hip, and ran. I ran to the nearest town and found a gas station.

I walked through the doors, getting a few strange looks from people. I don’t blame them though; I was probably bleeding pretty badly from when Gerard slammed my head into the corner of the counter. Add Charlie to that and we probably looked like we had just survived a mass murder.

I made my way to the bathroom and set Charlie down on the counter, and immediately grabbed a handful of paper towels, holding them up to her nose and mouth. After a few minutes the bleeding stopped and I started breathing again.

“Why were you bleeding sweetheart?”

“I was gonna draw you a pretty picture, so I was looking for some paper and pencils but I accidentally cut myself on a sharp edge of the drawer I was looking through, then those two men came in and I got scared and hid but they found me. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” She dissolved into tears before she finished. It broke my heart. I brought her into my arms and whispered soothing words.

“It wasn’t your fault sweetheart, its okay. Nobody is mad at you.” She sniffled, looking up at me with her big brown eyes.


“Really, really.” I smiled down at her. “Now come on, I have someone I want you to meet.” She smiled at me and I helped her down off the counter. She gripped my hand with her dainty one as we made our way out of the gas station, into the night.

Fifteen minutes later we stood outside the house I had been standing outside of only a few nights ago. It looked even more dilapidated than it had then, if that was even possible. I led Charlie around the side of the house and picked her up, standing her on my shoulders.

“I need you to climb up there honey, and stay still until I’m up there.” She reached up with her tiny arms and gripped the small overhang below the window sill. I pushed her up the rest of the way and then climbed up myself. I peeked through the window; Emily was sitting on her bed, reading. My fist rapped softly against the window, earning the attention of the girl on the other side. Emily opened the window and I lifted Charlie through before climbing through myself.

“Hey Emma.”

“Hi Emily.”

“So I’m guessing that next you’re going to tell me you have a daughter?”

“No, not biologically anyway. Emily, this is Charlie, Charlie, this is my best friend Emily.” Charlie held out her hand for Emily to shake and I couldn’t help but giggle; she was too adorable.

“So on what occasion do I have the pleasure of your company?” I rolled my eyes at her formal tone.

“Pack your things Emily; you’re coming to live with me.”


“Did I stutter? Come on, before Davis comes up here.” I knew he wouldn’t, I could hear him snoring away downstairs, but it got Emily moving. She seemed a bit reluctant, but she grabbed her large suitcase and started filling it with clothes. As soon as she was done I picked Charlie up from where she had been sitting on the ground and we made our way down the stairs.

“Take Charlie and go wait in his car, I’ll be right out.” I handed Charlie over and she reluctantly did as I told her to. I tip-toed into the kitchen and removed the keys from the hook they hung from, and then made my way out of the house. I got into the drivers seat and started the car. Before we took off I turned around and made sure Charlie was buckled in.

We arrived at the house in record time, and when I looked back to tell Charlie she could get out I found that she had fallen asleep. Carefully, I pulled her from the car and then led Emily into the house. Everyone was congregated in the living room.

“Emma, is Charlie alright?” Mikey asked. No matter how much he acted like he didn’t like the situation, I could tell she was growing on him.

“Yeah, she’s fine.”

“Who’s this?” He motioned towards where Emily was standing awkwardly.

“This is my best friend, Emily.”

“Why is she here?”

“Because I wasn’t just going to leave her with that scum Davis. Mikey, she’s like my sister.” He sighed in defeat and I smiled, knowing I had won. I pushed Emily forward slightly, before introducing the two. “Mikey, this is Emily; my best friend. Emily, this is Mikey; my husband.”

“So you’re the Mikey I’ve heard so much about.” She smiled, shaking his hand.

“How have you heard of me?” He looked confused; he thought I hadn’t seen her since I met him.

“She came to see me a few days ago when you had that fight.” He nodded his head in understanding.

“I guess I’ll go introduce her to the guys then.”

“I’ll take Charlie upstairs.” Mikey volunteered. I handed her off to him and watched as they ascended the staircase. As soon as we walked into the living room, all eyes turned to us.

“Oh my god Emma, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to. How’s your head?” Gerard asked, hugging the life out of me.

“Gee, it’s fine. It’s all healed and I know you didn’t mean to.”

“Awesome, now that you’ve forgiven me I can ask who this is.”

“Guys, Girls, this is Emily, my best friend. She’s going to be living with us.” They all knew how I grew up, and I had told them all of Emily, so I’m sure they knew why. Suddenly, the front door opened and Gerard and Mikey’s dad walked in. He was early.
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Uh-oh. What's gonna happen now? OctoberA7X and I know :) Thank you to JustALittleGirl for commenting :)