Status: in progress! will update probably once a weekXD

Remembering Sunday

Blossomed Relationship

-Katy's POV-

Jace had just shown me his scars and told me what his father had done to him for the six years since his mother had passed and I burst into tears and ran to him. "Im so sorry." I repeated a few times in a shaky voice. Im glad he had told me, but since he told his secret would I have to tell mine? He broke me out of my thoughts when he said "Its okay, just promise me one thing?" I was still tearing up at the fact he trusted me enough to tell me as I answered. "Anything." He responded with "Don't leave me, please?" I wouldn't. I couldn't leave him. "I promise." He hugged me as tight as anyone ever had and we silently cried on each others shoulders. I texted my sister saying I would be staying with a friend that night and i'd see her after school the next day. Jace texted his brother telling him basically the same thing. We sat and talked for hours. It was 3 a.m when we finally decided to turn in. We took a cab to Nyon and Max's house, which in my luck happened to be right next door to Marissa and Narissa's house. I said goodnight to Jace and went inside, right after I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and watched him blush. Narissa and I went into her room and talked for awhile, mainly about Jace and Nyon. We were tired so we turned the light out and went to sleep.
The next morning I woke up with the worst headache ever. Last time I stay out most of the night, unless its a weekend. I thought to myself as Narissa and I did our makeup. We headed to the bus stop and I went straight to Jace and laced my fingers with his. He instanly smiled and so did I. The bus finally came and we were all freezing. There were alot of empty seats on the bus surprisingly so Jace and I slipped into one of them and I snuggled into his chest trying to warm up at least a little. We listened to his iPod and just sat there. When we reached the school we had an assembly for new students and I thought it would never end. Finally when it was over it was already time for lunch so I met up with the rest of the gang and sat down to eat. It started raining so we didn't get to go outside. We headed to our last set of classes, which we just happened to have a test in both of them. Me and Jace were passing notes the conversation went like:

Jace: Hey.

Me: Hola(:

Jace: So you wanna hang out after school?

Me: Sure my sister doesn't get off work til 10.

Jace: Awesome, so enjoying school?

Me: Really? -whispers- corny. lol XD

Jace: -blushes- well i was just asking...

Me: awww but yeah i guess so(:

Jace: cool, so..?

Me: so...?

Then the teacher looked up and we decided to end the conversation, well I decided to end it because I didn't want to get in trouble my second day at Blue Moon. That class dragged and then we were headed to the bus again. Crowded as usual. Although we found a seat, we found it slightly claustrophobic, well at least I did. We didn't talk much on the bus because frankly I wanted to preserve air.

When we got off the bus I exhaled...finally. 'I swear I need to save money for a car and quick!' Jace and I walked to the nearby park. We raced to the swings and scared a few little kids, we laughed so hard at that. I sat in a swing and he pushed me, like a gentleman. I thought to myself 'I might really be falling for this bloke.' We sat and talked about anything and everything then the conversation came to.... "So exactly what happened to your parents, if you don't mind me asking?" Jace asked. "I ummmmmm...." But thank God before I could answer my sister came driving around the corner. She stopped at the curb near the place we were sitting. "KATY! Why the hell are not home? You worried me sick! Couldn't you have at least called?" She yelled as I looked at my watch. 12:44 a.m. CRAP! Why didn't I pay attention to the time!? "Sorry, I lost track of time!" I said in a rush trying to avoid trouble and being embarrassed in front of Jace. "Just come get in and lets go home, you can hang out with Jace tomorrow....but i've had a long day at work and would like to get some rest without worrying about my baby sister." "Okay, see you tomorrow Jace." I said a little sadly, while kissing him on the cheek before heading to the car and getting in. We drove off, I looked back at Jace's vacant expression as we pulled away. It just broke my heart to leave him.

-Jace's P.O.V.-

DAMMIT! Why the hell did her sister have to come and take her away from me now, when I need her most. 'I love her'. NO! 'Dude get a hold of yourself you just met her!' I started walking home but I was soon met by none other than......
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sorry its a little shorter and late! been a crazy time!! comment, rate, subscribe!! xD

CLIFFHANGER! -RomanticRevenge<3