Status: Active

Let's Kill Tonight

1. Buddy System


Its nights like this Grace Summers hated Chicago. It’d been about seven years since she’d stepped foot in her home town but she realized nothing had changed. She soon noticed it was the same run down town it had been years ago, if not worse now.

She was mostly upset with the wind tonight. She had forgotten the cold stale air it brings when it wrapped its self around her. She wouldn’t have had to put up with it if her brother had come and gotten from the Greyhound station like he said he would.

Now, she wasn’t too angry at Patrick. He wasn’t a blood brother but pretty much should have been. Her family and his were close since the beginning. They took care of her a lot of the time due to other family situations she had.

He said he’d be there to pick her up. She knew she could rely on him. Patrick was always one to keep his word. Though, for some weird reason tonight she’d waited for two hours and he still hadn’t shown up. So, she was on the hunt for his house at ten a clock at night.

His address scribbled on to a spare piece of paper. She could barely read her own handwriting. She was in such a rush when he had told her over the phone nights before. She couldn’t even tell if the last number was a one or a seven.

As she continued to walk she felt memories stir. One set of them in particular. When she was young Patrick had told her stories. Stories the whole town knew as their myths. Vampires were in Chicago as he’d tell her. Telling her they were the Dandies. Men who dressed in old time suits and run by the malevolent William Beckett. A dictator that was cruel. She was told they had a curfew in the old town. Any one who failed to follow the curfew soon realized that they would be the food for the Dandies.

It always scared her when he told her the stories. She never even snuck out when she was young for the fear of the story being true. She found it interesting how the whole town knew the story and told it as an urban legend. That’s how it’d always been.

When there was a murder or a new story about a missing person Patrick and Grace always thought of the Dandies. Patrick had come up with a theory of them trying to hide, rebuild themselves up for once more to attack Chicago like a plague.

Now she was shivering at the thought of the stories from the past. It was stupid to be afraid of an urban legend as she thought. She continued to talk but faster this time. She wouldn’t admit it to herself but she believed the stories, even now.

The cases of death back then fit the description. Two holes in the neck and the blood drained. It screamed vampire to her but the city refused to believe so. Several people called on the legends yet, no one cared enough to investigate it.

“Ah shit. This is ridiculous.”

She turned down a street and continued to pick up her pace. Sure, there had been other violence here. Gun fights, drug deals, stabbings, and rapists; but not nearly as many as the murders with all the blood loss. It was like an exchange to her. It was a phase were they humane violence had stopped but replaced with the vampire ideal murderers.

No. She refused to believe that the Dandies were real. It meant that she would be in danger tonight. No, she didn’t want to be in danger and if not believing an urban legend helped her then so be it.

“You lost?”

She whipped around to see a male behind her, “What?”

She got a closer look at the fellow, “I asked if you were lost.”

He was wearing a dark hoodie and jeans. His hand tucked deep into the pockets making her a little uneasy. His hair fell out around the sides of the hood and on a dark nature in the night. She couldn’t see his eyes which made her even more uneasy. She had a judgment system, if she trusted the eyes she trusted the person.

“I’m not, but thank you for the concern.”

Of course her lying got her no where. She was sure as hell lost and confused. She used to know these streets like the back of her hand and now it was a jumbled mess. Granted, she would love to ask him directions she didn’t want to take any chances.

“You should be out this late. It’s dangerous here.”

She nodded, “I am aware of what dangers I put myself in.”

He shrugged and started to turn away, “Your life.”

She took a step forward, “Hey wait.”

He looked back at her, “What?”

“Where is Washington Street?”

He pointed across the street, “Go to the end of the block and take a left.”


I could see a slight smile, “Pete. Pete Wentz. And I’m serious about how you shouldn’t be out late. You don’t want the Dandies to get you.”

“They still tell that story. I haven’t heard it since I was a kid. My brother Patrick used to tell me about them.”

Pete looked confused at her, “Wait. Are you Grace Summers?”

Now she was taken back, “Yes. But how do you know me?”

He shook his head and came closer, “I know Patrick. I’m really close with him. You’re his sister. He was telling me you were coming into town soon.”

She nodded, “I don’t think he ever mentioned you. I’m sorry. But he was never really open.”

They talked for a few more minutes exchanging information to honestly confirm who they were. Pete soon looked at the address she wrote down and he recognized it. He told her about living with him. He offered to take her there said Patrick was passed out from the final he had in one of the college classes he took.

The started to walk down the street and Pete appeared to be less creep and more of a gentleman. He even lowered his hood so she could finally see him completely. He even cracked a few jokes.


He looked at her after calming his laughter, “Yeah?”

“Do you–I know this sounds stupid but do you believe the Dandies are real?”

He shrugged, “I half believe and half don’t–”

He stopped in mid sentence and stopped walking completely. Grace stopped too and looked in front of her to see what caught Pete’s attention. They both could hear a fight of some sort and a random scream. It was close. Maybe thirty feet away.

Maybe it was the subject that they had just brushed on that made both of their heart rates sped up. Or the fact that well, it was after ten and they were alone and the person doing the fighting down there could be killing someone.

He grabbed onto her arm and they started to cross the street to get to the other side and away from the screaming, “Stay close.”

Pete felt a little threatened. He was only a human. What could he do if it came down to it? He could try to fight. He’s never really had to since high school and that was about five years ago. And now have Grace with him that was going to mean she was at risk as much as he was and if something happened to her Patrick would flip.

This is what he gets for talking to strangers.

The commotion spread from the street and closer to them. They could see someone crying and holding the side of their neck. Both of their minds traveled to the stories they heard as kids. It couldn’t be true.

There was another person who took off running. It was a woman, they could tell by her screaming as she ran. The adrenaline in the two seemed to spike after that. They were ready to run even if curiosity wanted them to stay and find out what was happening.

She spoke in a whisper, “Please tell me that is not a guy in a bowler hat and a suit.”

Pete looked over and saw the person holding their neck fall. There was yet another person in a suit and hat like Grace had said going after the fallen person. The person had moved to be on their butt and desperately trying to scoot away from the suited figure.

“Help me! Somebody please! Leave me alone.” There was a slight pause, “No! Leave me alone. Help! Vampire!”

Grace didn’t waste anytime running over there. She had made sure Pete let her go before she took the risk. She needed to help this person. They were about to be killed in front of her. The man leaned down and grabbed the bleeding person by the front of their shirt.

She felt her lower limbs go numb as she approached the figure, “Hey! What are you doing?”

She could hear Pete behind her, “Grace lets go. The cops should be here soon.”

The figure standing looked up at her. His mouth was stained red from what she thought was blood. He actually hissed and barred fangs. Grace backed up into Pete and he pulled here away. Yes. That was a vampire. That just answered any questions she had at all.

“Pete it is a fucking–”

“I know. Come on. Let’s get out of here. It has a human.”

The bleeding man cried out again, “Help me! Please!”

Pete finally got Grace to turn away and they were met with two more men in suits. She shook her head. No. This wasn’t right. A nightmare. There was no way Chicago had vampires. This had to be some kind of joke. A group of crazed murderers.


One of the men spoke in humor and Grace could see the pearly whites, “Well, what do we have here?”

Pete got defensive, “Look guys, were not looking for trouble. We’re just leaving.”

The other spoke, “Why leave when you can join the fun?”

A third person appeared behind them, “Michael, Sisky leave the humans alone. They’re leaving so let them leave.”

One of them looked back, “Come on now Brendon. Can’t we keep the girl at least?”

The male in the back, now known as Brendon came forward, “Very tempting too but William said to come home as fast as we could. Let Adam finish that human and we’ll leave.”

The voice was pleading, “Brendon. She’s young; you know how the young ones taste.”

Brendon smirked to himself as he stared at the girl. She looked uncomfortable. He was pondering if she knew who they were or what they were. By the looks of it, no. She didn’t know who they were but almost. She had almost all the pieces of the puzzle but couldn’t see the picture yet.

She was young. Older then the one he fed off of tonight. She must be fresh out of high school. His mouth watered at the idea of her taste. The younger humans had less crap in their system and were always sweeter then the older humans.

If they didn’t have to listen to William he’d be taken this girl now and would be feeding. Though, he was sure he wouldn’t kill her. She was attractive. Not many of the girls he’d fed off caught his attention like her.

Now he was at a war with himself. He’d been rather lonely at the house and could use a companion. William always told him he could bring a human home as long as it behaved and he would have to take care of it. Not just leave it, let it die or feed it occasionally. It was to remain healthy and well kept. Besides, the sex he could get out of it was a mere add on. A bonus package in his eyes.

Another thing he loved about the young ones, they were tighter.

Though, with that being said he still felt humane enough. Never screwed any under eighteen. Proving something stuck with human morals. Not many but at least that stuck. The too young ones never had the body he wanted. It was still growing. So he’d have to settle for feeding off of them.

Yes, it was getting more tempting to take her home.

His eyes were right aligned with Grace’s. “What is your name?”

Her voice was shaky, “Grace.”

He smiled, “Don’t be afraid. There is no need to be afraid.”

She didn’t believe him. She didn’t trust him at all. The smile just made her more insecure. Pete was quiet behind her but she wished he’d do something. Clearly, Brendon wanted to do something to her but she really didn’t want to find out. Those fangs of his were enough to put ideas in her head.

He let one of his hands reach for hers but Pete cut in front of her, “Don’t touch her.”

Brendon lost the smile, “I wasn’t going to hurt her. I was simply going to tell her to go home.”

Pete didn’t like the look on Brendon’s face. Something was brewing behind those eyes and he didn’t want the plan to come out already. He needed to get Grace out of here and fast.

Brendon leaned a little to the left to look at Grace again with another smile, “You may leave. Go. Now. Before I change my mind.”


Pete cut her off, “Just go. I’ll be right behind you.”

She didn’t have to be told twice by Pete. She turned for the street she needed to go toward Patrick’s and took off. She felt like her legs wouldn’t carry her but she kept going. Brendon couldn’t help but watch her. She didn’t even look back at him.

Out of the corner of Brendon’s eye he could see the Pete slowly back away from them. What Pete hadn’t noticed was that William Beckett himself was behind Pete. William didn’t take long to take advantage of the situation. William reached around and covered Pete’s mouth as he leaned in for the bite. Brendon smirked as Pete tried to fight William off but clearly failing.

Brendon knew it was rare to see William feed out in the public. He only came out when he wanted to turn someone. William felt or rather believed turning was a gift he passed on to only the worthy. Brendon never really believed that but if it kept the newborns loyal, it worked.

William saw something in Pete that he wanted. Brendon couldn’t see why he’d want to turn the guy but William was the one who was in charge. The other two vampires left quickly while the last fed. Brendon wanted to stick around. Mostly to see what was going to happen to Pete.

William pulled his head away face clean. He wasn’t a messy eater. He was one for setting an example. He cherished the blood he received. Granted he loved the kill he loved the strength from it more. He dropped Pete and Pete fell to the ground in a heap.

Brendon could smell William’s blood and soon noticed William’s hand that was over Pete’s mouth was bleeding. William was serious about turning this man. Brendon still couldn’t see why. This guy was pathetic.

“When he is well enough, make sure he follows the girl.”

Brendon furred his eyebrows, “What? You don’t want him to come home with us?”

William shook his head and looked over at Brendon, “He won’t submit like the others. He’ll be different. You may have to kill him in a few weeks.”

I nodded and William continued to look at him with a questioning look, “Are you all right William?”

He smirked, “I am fine and the next time you find a toy you want, bring it home.”

Brendon would have agreed but now he wasn’t so sure he wanted the girl. William always had a way with the future. Brendon didn’t know if it was visions or gut feelings but William was always right. Brendon hated it for him because it made any kind of betting worthless on his part and a little envious attitude was brought onto Brendon.

Brendon had learned everything from William yet some days he felt he knew nothing. He was William’s right hand man for God sakes! He had the right to know how to do everything yet William still treated him like a child.

He spoke low to William, “I wanted to keep her.”

“I know. I know what goes on through your head. That rage that you fight. If you want her then take her. She’s a fragile one. She’d cave too easily.” He paused before appearing in front of Brendon, “She’d do anything for you.”

Brendon felt a warm sensation run through him from his head to his toes. He loved the submissive girls. They were more fun to play with. He liked watching them crack from their tough little roles to good little puppies. He almost craved the attention they give him.

“I can find her at anytime and take her at anytime.”

William shook his head and walked past Brendon, “No, it has to been soon. Wait too long and she’ll be the death of you.”

Before Brendon could make a remark William had dematerialized. Another gift for the vampires. A form of teleportation that Brendon loved. Almost anywhere he could come and go as he pleased. As long as he knew what it looked like he could be there. He loved it more then any other ‘power’ he got out of being a vampire.


Pete stirred Brendon away from his thoughts and he lifted Pete up, “What happened?”

Brendon smiled to himself knowing Pete was now like him, “Man, you shouldn’t drink so much. Are you going to be all right to make it home?”

Pete nodded and staggered away from Brendon and not really acknowledging him, “Yeah.”

Brendon laughed silently to himself as Pete was recovering. His body was going to be healing and he’d feel fine in about five minutes. That’s all it took. He wasn’t going to know anything was different till he got hungry.

Brendon kept distance as he made sure the man got home. He watched closely as someone opened the door for him. Brendon could see Grace next to a man who was some what chubby and wearing glasses. Pete was still a little tipsy but he walked in and the door was closed. Brendon had done his job and turned away heading home.

He wanted to walk tonight. William telling him to take her now was a little surprising. William had seen something or knew something about that girl. Now he knew it was going to bug him till he could find out. He shook his head and continued to think as he continued down the dark lonely streets.

He smiled, the locals knew. They knew to stay indoors. He was surprised how shortly they learned. William was right. Humans are moldable or so Brendon thought as he recalled the quote. Yes, very moldable.

♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so this is a new Brendon Urie vampire story obviously. And yes it’s going to be darker and blunter. I want to create a character that no one wants to exist. Some kind of villain that will make you look at him in disgust. So we’ll see how that works out.

Thanks for reading and please comment and subscribe. :D I love it when you do. <3

Also, yeah the rating is up too. Because I’m crossing lines. So hop on for the ride.