Status: Active(:

He's My Protector.

Chapter 5

The drive so far was quiet, Kegan was sleeping, Seung too, and Mika was playing games on her phone. I've been driving for about an hour and a half, it takes five hours to get to Nevada, so I didn't do much.

"So, Mika, how's Victor?" I ask, looking in the review mirror, at her snaping her head up. Victor, is Mika's current Boyfriend, of two months, I'm surprised she didn't invite him to Nevada, I havent had Mika get away from Victor for a month and Seung did it.

"He's good, he's grounded, and I can't see him for the rest of the break so it sucks." I nod.

"So what's up with Kegan being your bodyguard?" she asks, I look straight ahead, there were more cars here, mostly because it's black friday.

"Well, I guess that guy you and Seung beat up was the last straw for pops, and Kegan probably showed up, making my dad hire him." I shrug.

"I hope Seung and Kegan don't fight and ruin the trip." She states out, swifting her blond hair to one shoulder.

"I don't that will happen, if it does, Kegan will be walking to Utah." I say laughing and Mika joins.

Turn Left on Burlington hwy my GPS says and I do so.

"Man I have to pee." Mika says.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Very, TOM came early."

Tom, means T.O.M, which means Time Of Month. I give her a sympathy look, it was still dark out, and my eyes were geeting really heavy, I'll just force Kegan to drive us.

"Okay, let me go to a gas station, you need stuff?" I ask, as in meaning tampons or pads.

"Yea, I packed some, but not enough." I click my left signal and went down a ramp into the streets. Recalculating my GPS says, and I turn it off as I spot a speedway.

"I'm so tired." I say signing as I drive into a gas station, and the bright lights shine down on us. Mika jumps out of the car, then slams the door, waking up Seung.

"Why are we stopping?" Seung mummbles, rubbing his eyes.

"Mika has to pee, and I'm hungry." I get out the car and into the gas station building. Mika is already at the emergency section, picking out tampons and pantie liners, runing to the check out, before anybody sees what she has.

I walk to the beverages and pull out a bottle of Strawberry Kiwi vitamin water and Arizona Tea, iced tea.

"You do know that's bad for you, right?" Kegan says, pulling out a red bull. I inwardly laugh. No way am I going to laugh at Kegan's joke.

"It's way better than some red bull." I walk away and grab, a butterfinger, strawberry twizzlers, sweedish fish, and a big bag of Munchos.

"Quite the appetite." He says, I turn to him and see him getting a snickers bar and Xtreme Air heads. Then look at him, he's wearing the same, muddy shoes, ripped blue jeans, and dirty white t-shirt. I roll my eyes.

"Don't you change?" I ask, picking up a pack of spermint gum, and a pack of M&Ms from the check out.

"Actually I have a bag of my clothes in the car, I do change." I turn to him, he's following me.

Of course he's following you, Annette, he's your body guard.

"What about that jacket of yours, do you ever change that? Because last time I check your gang was gone." He glares at me, and pulls out his wallet, making the cashier check both of our stuff. I look at his worn out wallet, and as he pulled out the only money he had from his wallet, a twenty dollar bill.

"That wouldn't be any of your business."

Even though I don't really care for him, I felt bad for making fun of him and his outfit. The lady only gave him back a single dollar bill and two dimes. Most of his money spent was for my stuff.

"I'm sorry." I whisper grabbing the bag filled with both of our stuff and walking out. Kegan, looks at me and smiles.

"It's all right." His southern accent was comming out. I pass him his three items, and walk to the passenger seat, Kegan is confused.

"Oh didn't I tell you? Your driving, I hope you can speak GPS." I say closing the door on him.

Oh yea, I love being in charge.