Status: Active(:

He's My Protector.

Chapter 57

"Kegan, please don't die on me." my beg was clear as I hold onto Kegan's hand. I ran with the Paramedics, who were pushing Kegan through the school's hallways, in a gurney. They were covering up his gun shot from any more blood loss.

His condition is fatal, the bullet went through his stomach hitting both or his intestines and just about passed his spinal cord, the other huge problem is that

"Please." Whispering didn't make sense, it was too loud for anybody to talk in here. The loud talks about why Kegan was shot, seeped through the air. Fox news came along as soon as the ambulance came, it's pretty shallow to put this on the news.

Once we made it outside, camera's flashed and shouts came by from the cameras questioning what had just happened, but all they know is that there was a raging teenager with a gun in school.

"Uhm, Ma'am you have to get a ride to the hospital." One of the Paramedics said, stopping me from getting into the truck.

"W-what?" My voice was quiet now.

"I'm sorry, miss, but this is too much. We're gunna have to need as much room as possible."

"I-I-I Just can;t leave him like this!" I shout, oblivious from the crowd I'm drawing in.

"We can't have you in here, I'm sorry, meet us back into the E.R. I'm Rey Green, ask for me once you come, you'll get first seat into knowing what's going on with him as soon as possible." Rey grabs the hand I held Kegan's with and looks at me with his dark brown eyes.

"I promise I will be at your side once you come. Trust me with him." biting my lip and letting loose some more tears, I nod.

"Promise?" I squeak out, Rey holds my pinky to his and nods.

"I'll be right at your side as I am going to be with him."

"Okay, I'll be right behind you." I say, watching Kegan's lifeless body, and let go of Rey's hand.

"Sure thing Miss-"

"Keith, Annette Keith." I say quickly before backing away from Rey, Kegan and the other Paramedic as they lifted Kegan into the truck and they both slipped in, Rey gave me a sad smile before shutting the doors, then the siren went off and blared right past us, speeding to the Hospital that was five miles away from us.

My mind was going through so much, it felt like I couldn't breath. The air out side was passing by me and I didn't have enough thought into catching it. I couldn't breath, I was crying too much and too hard to be thinking about air.

People are probably wondering why. It's not like they know he's my bodyguard with benefits who I am secretly in love with.

Once the Ambulance left, Fox News came towards me, asking questions on, how exactly this happened, who he was to me, and if Kegan was going to be okay.

Questions I don't even know the exact words to.

I don't know how exactly this happened. Sure Travis was angry about his cousin's death and thought Kegan had to have killed him. Kegan never killed Travis' cousin, his gang did. Kegan never meant to get Travis angry. This was a whole misunderstanding, yet Travis still shot that gun at me, and Kegan took the bullet for me.

I don't know who Kegan was to me.

I don't know if Kegan is going to be okay.

With the camera in my face, and the news reporter, I couldn't move. I couldn't even say a word. This was too much to handle.

"Annette Keith, do you believe that this situation has to due with your money?"

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" That strict voice pulled me away from the camera and the news lady. My dad came to my rescue, soon we were both away from the cameras and he pulled me into a huge hug, accepting me to cry.

With my arms wrapped around my dad's tall figure, I cried. I cried for the fear of Kegan, the fear of myself being shot too if Kegan wasn't with me to protect me. My sobs were loud as I shook underneath my dad's embrace.

"He-He took the bullet for me." I cried out holding onto my dad closer.

"I-I-I thought that," a sob escaped from my mouth, then tears spilled over my face "If I covered Kegan, He wouldn't shoot," My crying was uncontrollable "But he did." I tried to whisper.

"It's all my fault." My cries were spitting out of control. I couldn't handle the thought of Kegan dying and it being my fault because of it.


"Rey!" I screamed at the secretary "Rey Green! He's a paramedic how can you not know him?"

I know I shouldn't yell at the secretary, but Rey Green wouldn't tell me his name if I wasn't important to one of his clients. The young blond looked new and she looked as if she was about to cry.

"I-I'm sorry, miss, but I don't know a Rey Green."

"He has a guy in the E.R the kid that got shot in our local High School!" I tried hinting at something, but She looked lost.


"Marie, can you please help me out here." The blond calls out to another secretary, before walking away quickly. An old lady filled in her spot with a smile, Grey hairs filled her head, I barely noticed the black in her hair because of it.

"May I help you?" I massaged my temples and wiped the tears away from my eyes before nodding.

"I need to see a paramedic, Rey-"

"Green?" Suddenly my worries slipped away and I nodding quickly.

"Yes! Where is he?"

"Oh, let me help you out with that dearie." The lady slowly walks to me and grabs my arms before trailing me through double doors and into a hall of rush. There were doctors running room to room, sanitizing their hands in the middle of it.

Gurneys stained with blood strolled on by, now i understand why it's an emergency room.

"Excuse me, Dr.Rodriguez, I need help to find Rey Green." The lady stopped a middle aged man with black and Grey hair, he looked to me and smiled a bit.

"He's in room 3-F, That's actually the way I'm going, is this a visitor?."

"For Mr.Green.." The lady says.

"OKay, well come along Miss. I'll take her out of your hands, Daisy." I nod at Daisy and walk with Dr.Rodriguez

"I know your not a visitor for Mr.Green, I saw you on the news." I tried catching up to his speed walking, but he seemed to know exactly where he was going to I just followed behind him.

"Rey Green told me to ask for him once I get here to actually know what's going on with him." I jumped a bit when a gurney slipped in front of me, stopping me from walking. A nurse apologized for her scaring me, but I don't want her apology.

Dr.Rodriguez, slowed down a bit for me, understanding how hard it is to get through the hallways.

"Right now, we're going to transport Kegan to the surgery floor, he's lost a lot of blood and is internally bleeding, if we stop the internal bleeding as soon as possible, then it will be no problem for Kegan."

I bit my lip, not wanting to cry anymore, I had to be strong, for Kegan.

"So if this surgery becomes a success, will Kegan be okay?" My question made the doctor freeze, as if he noticed he forgot something, important.

"It depends." Dr.Rodriguez stops what he's saying and enters a room, making sure that I stayed away from the window and out of the room.


"Rey, you have a visitor." Doc slips his head out smiling lightly at me, making sure I wasn't peeking.One good reason not to peek is seeing Kegan like that is even worse than watching Kegan get shot.

"Sweetie, what's your name?" Dr.Rodriguez, asks me, still smiling lightly.

"Annette Keith."

I hear his mumbling words about me and soon, Rey was out of the room, open arms into giving me a hug.

"Hey." Rey greets me, after I accepted his hug offer, rubbing onto my back warmly.

"How is he?" My question made Rey look behind him to the room then back at me.

"Let me treat you for some lunch in our cafeteria." Rey's worried offer made me worry even a bit more.

"After you tell me what's wrong." Beg was probably written across my stupid face as I looked into his eyes.

"I'll tell you once we get lunch."

"NO, I want to know now. I saw him get shot. That bullet that hit him, was meant for me. So since that's my bullet, I would like to know what's happening to him, now."

Rey takes in a deep breath and nods, grabbing both of my forearms he looks at me directly into my eyes. His facial expression looks very hurt, as if he didn't want to deliver the news, like this.

"Kegan's bullet wound hit his main organs, causing him to bleed more than a usual bullet wound. Due to that much blood loss, Kegan is in a coma. His injuries are life threatening, and if this surgery magically fixes and heals everything in him. He'll still have to have the strength to pull out of his coma. With experience from seeing all of this, that can take days, weeks, months and possibly years."
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So here is my update [: