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He's My Protector.

Chapter 58

It’s funny. It was confusing. It was something no one has ever felt.

There’s a state in your life, where all you can do is reflect. You don’t know if you’re alive, but you don’t know if your dead.

Everything seems to be blurry. The sun in any of the pictures shined to the point where you could hardly see anything.

Everything was dimmer except for the main part. I knew this wasn’t real, but was I even alive?

Did I even remember being alive? What did she smell like again?

Who was she again?

My mind was foggy and I couldn’t see anything. Every since I blacked out all I’ve seen was visions.

Not visions.


I don’t know how long I’ve been out. I can hear myself think, but all else is silent. Compared to what I first saw when I was first…hit… it’s gotten worse.

Not worse, just different.

The visions were fuzzier, my voice is slowly quieting, and that scared me.

It wasn’t a big decrease, but it was there. At first it was just like a fuzzy picture of real life, but now, it’s more like a dream you had after waking up, and you just remember the biggest details.

It’s confusing. It’s unclear. It’s scary.

Overtime, it seemed to get fuzzier and I’m scared.

Yes, I, Kegan Reynolds, is scared.

That one day these will stop.

And I’ll be alone, in black.
