Falling for Days



My sister and I grew up in San Francisco together with our mother and step father. We never knew our father and after a while, I grew apart from everyone but Niki. I loved Niki, she was what kept me sane. Niki is the only reason why our family is still together. And I'm the reason why it's strained. When Niki and I were about ten, we met the best guitarist that either of us knew. That's when Niki started learning bass. Then when we were twelve we met the best drummer we ever knew and the most amazing sisters ever. One could sing like nothing I've ever heard and the other was just as good as Bianka at the guitar. When we were fifteen, we made a band with these amazing girls. To this day I am proud of my sister and our friends. I don't think I would have been able to make it through any of the things that I've been through if they weren't there for me. In all there were six of us. Crystal was the oldest, followed by Sam, then Bianka, then Niki, then me, and finally Dora. We were a huge family. Each one of us had something in our pasts that we were trying to get over. And I'm not entirely sure that any of us have gotten over them. I just wish that there was some way that we could get over them so we didn't have to deal with them any more.
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