Status: Updating at least once a week, maybe more.

The Real Me

Chapter 9

Two weeks had passed since Harry had seen Charlie. His trip had been unforgettable but he couldn't get his mind off of Charlie. Harry was mad at himself more than anything especially with the way things had been left between them. He was determined to set them right.

Harry had spent the whole plane ride back home thinking about what he would say to Charlie when he saw her. He decided he couldn't wait to see her so he went straight to her flat from the airport. He remembered the address he had gotten from the administration office. Harry remembered the first time he came to her apartment. He had told Charlie that he had come was there was because he had a so called "meeting" with Jules. He hadn't even remembered that Jules was an art major like him unlike Charlie had opened the door. Harry made his way towards the flat, he knocked on the and prayed to god that she was home. He opened his eyes and looked down into the deep brown eyes of Charlie.

"Harry what are you doing here?" Charlie questioned, not even bothering to say hello.

"I had to come and talk to you.."

"Did you just get home?"

"Yeah I got off the plane an hour ago."

"Harry why did you come to see me?"

"Can I come in?" Charlie hesitated peering back into the flat.

"I don't think that is a good idea, we an just talk out here."

"Uh.. well here it goes, Charlie I have never met anyone like you before. Something about you makes me want to be a better person. Before I wasn't doing anything with my life and I decided I was going to go back to school. I don't regret it for a second because I met you. I haven't even known you for a long time but I know that I can't lose you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Harry.." Charlie spoke her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears and Harry could tell that she was willing them not to fall.

"I meant every word," Harry said softly using his thumb to wipe the tears that had started to fall.

" You shouldn't have done that." Harry looked into the sad brown eyes and realized the tears that were falling were not happy tears.

"I'm so sorry Harry but I cant be with you. You and I are so different, you're a prince for fucks sake and I'm a nobody from America. I wish this would work really do. Harry you aren't the guy for me, you party and hook up with girls and then never call them again. You should be with girls like Chelsy not me. Your spoiled and you get everything you want and I have had to work for everything I wanted in life."

"Is that what you think? You think I'm just some privileged prince who got everything handed to him. Well you're wrong Charlie my life hasn't been easy, just because I'm a prince doesn't mean its all fun and games for me. Its not easy to always be in the public eye, to have parents who have had one of the most public divorces in history. Then to have your father get remarried to a cow. There is so much more to me than just a spoiled rich party boy and I thought you saw that. I thought you were the one person to see who I really am."

"Who are you Harry?" Charlie asked looking up from the ground.

"Come with me Charlie, let me show you the real me."

"Hey babe who is at the door?" Harry heard someone call from beyond the door way.

"Charlie who is that?" Harry asked his voice sounding less confident than he would have like it too.

"Uh Harry this is John," Charlie said staring at her feet as John came and out his arm around her. Harry saw her fidget uncomfortably when his arm went around her.

"Who is this Charls?" John asked rather accusingly.

"John this is Prince Harry of Wales." Charlie said looking at Harry for the first time since John appeared.

"Well Prince Harry of Wales if you don't mind me and Charlie have some stuff to do."

Harry completely ignored John and looked at Charlie, "Charlie please come with me, give me another chance."

"I-I-I-..." Charlie hesitated looking back at John then back at HArry, "umm..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay little bit of a cliffhanger for you guys. I really love this chapter probably my favorite so far. This story should maybe be wrapped up in like five chapter or so, if you guys have any suggestions of something you would like to see just leave them in the comments. Next update... sometime I have finals and all that jazz so who knows. Sorry about any grammtical issues I didn't have the chance to fix them.
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