She was the challenge he'd been waiting for (one shot)

She was the challenge he'd been waiting for

I watched as the moving van pulled into the drive way of my new house in Timonium, Maryland. I never wanted to leave Pittsburgh, PA but with my dad's job we had to. I would miss my friends and everyone back home but I was hoping to make new ones here.

"Jenny!" My mom called.


"Can you give me a hand please?"


Eventually we had unloaded everything out of the van and had it all inside waiting to be unpacked. The fun part. My room was overflowing with boxes just waiting to be emptied. Slowly I started to unpack them one by one. Making sure everything was arranged the way I liked it. I had unpacked almost every box when I'd had enough.

"I'm going for a walk." I told my dad as I walked out the front door.

"But you don't even know this town."

"I've got my phone so I can just call if I get lost."

I made my way down the street and around a corner. There was a park there that looked really nice. I walked around the park and sat down on the grass. I laid there just watching the clouds for what felt like hours and thinking about everything.

It was starting to get dark when I decided to leave. I walked back the way I came. I was walking for about ten minutes when I realised that I was lost. I kept walking when a navy blue van pulled up beside me.

"Need a ride?" A boy asked. He looked to be about seventeen, he had skunk hair and his eyes were a dark chocolate brown. Nothing like I'd ever seen before.

"Uhh, yeah." I said. There was something about this boy that I just couldn't say no to.

"Jump in." He said.

I made my way to the side door of the van and hopped in. It was then that I realised there was three other boys around the same age in the van too.

"So where to?" The boy asked.

I told him my address.

"No way?" He said. "That's right next door to Zack."

I looked around the van confused.

"Oh, that's me." Said the boy with curly hair and bright green eyes.


"I'm Jack by the way." The first boy said.

"And I'm Alex." Said a boy with light brown hair with random blonde bits through it.

"I'm Rian." Said the boy with short hair and keyboard teeth.

"Jenny." I said.

"So are you new here?" Jack asked.

"Uh, yeah we just moved in today actually." I smiled.


"Hey, do you wanna come over?" Zack asked.

"I don't know, it's getting late." I said.

"Come on, please?" He smiled.

I had a feeling that moving here wasn't such a bad idea after all.

We went to Zack's. I spent the rest of the afternoon there. We talked about everything. My life back in Pittsburgh, all the moving around my family and I did, their band, their lives here, everything.

"Well, guys I’ve got to go, dinner." I said.

"I'll walk you out." Jack said.

We walked out the front door and across the lawn separating Zack's and my houses.

"So, thanks for this afternoon." I said.

"No problem." He smiled. "So, what school are you going to go to?"

"Uhm, I think it's called Dulaney." I said. "Yeah, that's it, Dulaney."

"Cool, so I'll pick you up in the morning then?" He smiled.

"That sounds great." I said.

Jack hugged me goodbye and then walked back across the lawn to Zack's.

I went straight inside for dinner then up to my room for bed. I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

Within minutes I fell into a deep sleep.
The door bell rang. I ran to the door to answer it. I had been up since 6 this morning getting ready and just thinking about Jack.

Could I be falling for him already? No.

"Hey." I said opening the door.

"You ready?"


We drove to school and Jack helped me get signed in. He also showed me to all of my classes, which he was in half of. Then at lunch I sat with all the guys.

"Hey." I said sitting down in between Jack and Alex.

"Hey." They all said.

"Jenny, this is my girlfriend Kara. Kara this is Jenny, she's new." Rian said introducing us.

"It's great to meet you." I smiled.

"You too." She replied.

The guys were deep in conversation so Kara and I started our own. Turns out we have heaps in common.
-Six months later-

Jack and I had become extremely close in the past six months. We were practically inseparable; we spent every afternoon either at band practice or each other's houses. I had a feeling that what I wanted from Jack was more than just friendship. But I knew I couldn’t have more.

"I'm going to Jack’s." I called as I walked out the front door. I walked down the street to Jack's house. The guys were already there. They had set up for band practice and were ready to start when I got there.

"Ready to start?" Alex asked.

"Yep." They all said. I sat down beside Kara. They started with 'Circles'.

"Inquisitive and thoughtful,
She was the challenge he'd been waiting for;
A reminder that creativity runs deep like secrets.
Dark eyed dreamers; they were a dangerous pair,
Q next to U scribbled out on paper...
They stop, they go, and they’re done.

Go back to the place we knew before,
Retrace our steps to the basement door,
I'll ask you if the rain still makes you smile,
Like so much time that we spent in the fall,
It put colour in our cheeks while the air turned cold,
Preceding what became our bitter end." Alex sang.

Jack never took his eyes off of me.

There was something about Jack that had me hooked and I didn't know what.

"Hey." He said coming over and sitting next to me once they were done. "What did you think?"

"Amazing as usual." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

We all stayed at Jack's that night and watched movies and ate junk food.

The next day everybody left except me. Jack and I were watching a movie, he had his arm wrapped around me and we were snuggled up on the couch. When I was with Jack it was like nothing else mattered, like we were the only ones around.

The movie ended. Jack and I were just sitting together on the couch in silence. I subtly looked up at him to find him looking down at me. I was locked in on his stare; nothing could break me out of it. He leaned his head down until our foreheads were touching.

“Jack, I can’t.” I said pulling away.


"I have to tell you something. Something I've wanted to tell you for so long now." I began.
"Jack, I like you but I can’t do this, whatever this is. I’ve been hurt before, badly and ever since then I haven’t been able to become attached to anyone and with my dad’s job, moving around all the time and changing schools I never really had the chance."

He just sat there staring at me in disbelief, trying to comprehend what I had just said.

“I understand.” Was all he said.
The next few weeks were awkward; Jack hardly said two words to me. School came and went. I was glad to be finished for the term.

I was sitting on my bed listening to my iPod and playing around on my guitar when I heard a loud thump. I turned around to find Jack sprawled on my floor.

“What the hell?” I laughed. “You can use the front door, you know?”

“I know.” He smiled. “I just figured this was more adventurous.”

“Sit down, you goof.” I said pulling him to sit next to me.

“I’m sorry.” He said before I could speak again. “I’m an idiot. I should never have acted the way I did. I should have tried to understand how you were feeling and what you were thinking.”

“It’s okay Jack.”

“Okay. I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologising.”


“Stop!” I smiled.

“Okay, sor-”

“Jack!” I laughed.

“Friends?” He asked opening his arms for a hug.

“Always.” I giggled hugging him.
Jack and I agreed to be just friends, no, best friends after that. Life went on like it should and everything was perfect. My parents finally decided to stop moving around and I had the perfect group of friends.

What more could you ask for?
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This was the first one shot I've ever written, it's not that great. It kinda skips parts because I didn't know what to do :|

Hope you liked it anyways :)