Status: Alive.

Give It Up

Eighth Period.

"So, are you going to the party tonight?"

Jessilyn glared at the back of Cadence's head as she listened to him talk. It wasn't that she was eavesdropping, he just had a big mouth. Landon nodded and smirked at him, swiping his long bangs out of his eyes.

"Fuckin' right I am. I hear Holly and Amber are comin' too," Landon replied, nodding to the two girls in front of them. Whores, the both of them. That was the only reason everyone wanted them to show, so the guys could pass them around like bags of oreos. Disgusting.

"Good," Cadence said with a nod, leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed behind his head. She resisted the urge to hit him with her book. He was such an ass. He leaned back so that he was looking at her upside down. "Are you going," he asked her, smirking a bit. She rolled her eyes and tossed her eraser at him.

"It's none of your business whether I am or not, Cadence. You'd only make me look stupid, as always, so I don't think I will," she replied then sat back in her chair. He chuckled and shook his head, his light hair hanging upside down from his head.

"Now why in the world would I do something like that," he asked, his voice thick with sarcasm. Jessilyn rolled her eyes again and shook her head.

"Why in the world wouldn't you," she replied with a smirk. He only chuckled at her and smirked back at her.

"Miss Johnson, Mr. Moore. Do you have something that you'd like to share with the class," Mr. Hanson asked them bitterly. Jessilyn shrunk in her seat a little when everyone turned to stare at them. She hated being the center of attention, but she could tell by Cadence's cute stupid grin that he was enjoying it. Of course he was, he was a fucking show off.

"Hmm? Oh, no sir. I was just trying to explain to Jess that she's not my type," Cadence said. A few students laughed, only the idiots that found humor in Cadence's insults. She rolled her eyes, her cheeks burning a deep scarlet.

"Drop dead, Moore. I'd rather date a dog than you. At least they're loyal," Jessilyn snapped at him, glancing towards Jamie, her best friend and Cadence's ex. He'd cheated on her at some other party and dumped her. She slid down in her seata bit. Jessilyn could already tell that she was about to cry.

Fuck, that was my fault. Please don't cry, Jamie, she pleaded mentally. She watched her friend excuse herself from the room and finally noticed that all of the students were staring at her again. Cadence busted into laughter, grinning at her.

"Damn, Jess. I didn't know that you were such a bitch deep down; you made your best friend cry," he said, trying to pin this on her. It worked. She swallowed hard and looked to Mr. Hanson, who glared at the both of them.

"Both of you, office. Now," he growled, pointing to the door. Jessilyn stared at him in shock but nodded, picking up her books and standing. She'd never been in trouble in school before, ever. She walked out of the room, her head down. She nearly screamed when Cadence ran up behind her and pushed her playfully. She glared at him, her eyes brimming with tears.

"You're such an ass, Cadence. What's you problem, why do you hate me so much," she hissed at him, wiping her eyes with a shaking hand. His grin fell and he shrugged a bit.

"I dunno, it's just fun," he said, looking ahead as he walked. She shook her head and wiped her eyes again, sniffling softly.

"I hate you," she whimpered, looking down again.

"No you don't."