‹ Prequel: A Two Sided Coin
Status: Hiatus

Unwanted Inheritance

Chapter Ten - Sleep and Dreams

Zane awoke to the feel of his own bed, or more realistically, his couch, and the sight of his apartment. A slight movement to turn his body shot jolts of pain up and down his torso. He waited, then steeled himself and lifted up the covers to see his stomach, bandaged.

The man must have healed him, but obviously not enough to make nuisance of himself, bastard. Something caught his eye so Zane glanced to his side. On the table lay a crisp, white, business card, on it was written in large, bold print, Rememdium Justicia. He couldn't make out the rest of the card. He cursed and tried to grab it so he could rip the cursed thing up, it nothing but a way to mock him. However a sharp, torturous reminder running throughout his body told him he would have to wait for the time being. He knew the only cure for his pain, was sleep.

Sleep... As soon as the thought entered his mind, it overtook him.


After a few weeks Zane's trips to the coffee shop, Cool Beans, had become routine. It had even become one of the high points of his day. While the coffee was good, it wasn't the real reason why he went. Truthfully his reason was to develop the friendship that had blossomed between him, the fiery Alanna and the rest of the staff. The entire atmosphere of the place was unbelievable.

He entered the shop and smiled at the, now familiar, strong scent of chai assaulting his nostrils. He went and waited in line until he got up to the till. Where he saw that the witch, was already waiting for him.

"So what is the king's desire for today? I'm sorry if we aren't up to snuff with Snobville's best, but maybe you'll allow your precious palette to make do for a day," Alanna said, already ready and waiting with a sharp word.

"Hey, hey! Ease down on the insults. Would you believe me if I said I changed my ways?" Zane retorted, following the banter.

Alanna snorted, "Sorry if it's a bit hard for me to believe a leopard can change his spots. After all, weren't you the Mr. Impatient who was in here a few weeks ago?"

He held up his hands in quick surrender, "Alright, alright. We'll compromise, I’ll buy some of your disgusting coffee if, you promise not to spit in it."

"Deal," Alana said with a smirk then went off to make the exact latte she now knew he always ordered.

As he waited for his drink, Carl, the new guy from weeks earlier, came up to him.

"Sorry Zane but that leopard comment killed you. It's another point for Lana. That makes the score what now?" he asked sweetly.

"Seven to two," Zane growled at him.

Carl laughed and ran away from his mock anger. Before he knew it Alanna was across the counter from him once again.

"Hey! Are you causing my workers trouble again? Next time I might have to beat you! Just remember that you owe that kid you lazy jerk!" she said while shoving a hot beverage at him, "Well here's your chai tea latte. I didn't spit in it as promised. Get it analyzed if you don't believe me."

Then she turned and trotted off and the best part of Zane's day, was over. He quickly glanced at his watch then yelled, "Shi... I mean crap!"

Then he ran out the door. It seemed college classes didn't wait for anyone.

---FlashBack Ended---

If anyone walked into the apartment at that exact time; they would see a sleeping man with a smile of sheer happiness flickering across his dreaming face. The contentment and peace only spoiled upon waking.
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As promised, here's the next chapter :) A day after my last update :P I'll have one more short chapter up really soon, but then it's going to take a little longer for me to update since that is the end of my pre-writes. Now I'm not just editing my old work, I'm adding onto it.