‹ Prequel: A Two Sided Coin
Status: Hiatus

Unwanted Inheritance

Chapter Sixteen - One Pill Overdose

Zane was brought out of his training haze by a knock on the door. He continued his workout and merely shouted at the unexpected guest.

“It’s open.”

While curious as to who was visiting his abode, he didn’t pay attention and began to bench press. When a hand came into his view and lifted the weights off of him he looked up to see the vampire from the night before. He somersaulted off of the bench, crouched in a fighting stance.

“Calm down half breed. I just wanted to see how the slayer was doing after the other night,” she lifted a brow at the various training equipment, “I see you were… occupied.”

He grunted at her, unhappy with her presence. He wasn’t going to give her a proper answer if she didn’t get to the point. The fact that he wasn’t chasing her out of here, or trying to kill her, wasn’t lost on him. No matter how much he tried to tell himself it was because he was simply outmatched, he knew there was more to it than that, he had changed, or was changing. He wasn’t sure he liked it.

He heard her sigh, apparently giving up on her game, “You can’t be seriously thinking that, this,” she said with a gesture to the room, “Is going to help you to get on top, to bring you A game.”

She strolled over to him casually, and Zane felt his danger senses go into overdrive, but did his best to calm them, she hadn’t done anything, yet.

“You must know by now where you can go to find the solution to your problem, to get stronger,” she leaned over and tapped his head, “It’s all in there, you know it, I know it, they know it. Use it.”

As she turned to leave he grabbed her arm, stopping her, “Why do you know so much about me, my kind? Why do you care?”

She smiled at him with a look of ancient sadness, melancholy that came from the center of her being, “Because of him,” then she changed her expression, a smirk playing on her lips, “And because you interest me. That is something no one has done for a while.”

With that she slunk out of the apartment leaving a few final words in the air, “I’m Sasha by the way, not just the blood sucking creature you imagine me to be. We have names, even if they change from time to time.”

With that she was gone, leaving behind a very conflicted man. But he knew what he had to do; he went over to his kitchen, skipping over any sporadic equipment strewn about the floor. He opened a hidden compartment in his counter. He pulled out a single pill, the colour of a blood tinged sun. A twinge of fear washed over him as he stared at it, lying in the palm of his hand. Then without another thought he popped it in his mouth, and swallowed.

He began to walk over to the couch, to wait for the medicinal effects. One step, and he fell, his body in a contorted spasm, an enormous seizure overtaking him, the control of his being.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter but the next one will be interesting. Learn a bit more about the past :P anways, hope you guys liked it. Comment and tell me what you think!