‹ Prequel: A Two Sided Coin
Status: Hiatus

Unwanted Inheritance

Chapter Three - Unchecked Aroma

Zane entered his apartment and slammed the door behind him. He went into the bathroom, locked the door and yelled.


After spending a half hour calming himself down, he released himself from the confines of the small room. The killing never got easier.

Zane walked to his cupboard in the kitchen and opened it. Empty, like almost everything else. He sighed, another bill to pay. He walked over to his closet and dug around in it until he found the treasure he was looking for. Zane walked over to the counter with a tea bag for chai tea in his hand.

He got out a mug then grabbed kettle and began boiling water. Zane stood and waited, motionless, for the whistle. When the shrill sound rent the air, he still hadn't moved from his previous position. He poured himself a cup of tea then sat down on his couch with the steaming mug. He could smell it, that wonderful scent took him back to another time.


As soon as he entered Cool Beans he was assaulted by the strong smell of chai. Zane frowned and walked to the line behind the counter, he couldn't take his time, he was in a rush. It was the only reason he would enter a coffee shop with such a ridiculous name. No time for something better to quench his caffeine addiction. He waited in line, impatiently, until he came up to the front of the line, it was finally his turn.

Then he saw the woman behind the counter, she seemed roughly the same age as him and quite pretty, but in a natural way. That was all the thought he was going to give her, until he went to order. When Zane walked up to the counter she was talking to a new employee. He waited for a moment, tapping his foot irritably to get her attention. When that failed to work he shouted at her angrily, "Hey! You've got busy customers here, settle training at another time."

With a furious blush the woman turned towards him, "Excuse me, but I’m sure taking two minutes out of your day to help me make future customers more satisfied won't kill you. And if it does kill you, then good riddance," with those angry words hanging in the air, she turned back to her coworker and continued her conversation, pointedly ignoring the fuming man behind her. Finally Zane turned and stalked out of the building, his thirst completely forgotten.

---Flashback Ended---

Zane chuckled for a moment, swept up in his first encounter with her, then remembered himself and melancholy overtook him. He sipped his tea quietly, in sad remembrance of much better times.
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Wow... I wrote this part of the story awhile ago, just re read and edited it. I forgot how sad this story was! I apologize, anyways I hope you all keep on reading. Enjoy(?)!