‹ Prequel: A Two Sided Coin
Status: Hiatus

Unwanted Inheritance

Chapter Four - Unearthly Hound

Zane was especially interested in this story, since he had read articles about other stolen objects that fit this thief's profile. That, and he had a feeling that this person was a supernatural. Ever since his life turned upside down, he could pick up on the paranormal, even with no solid evidence pointing towards that direction. It was like a sixth sense, designed to make him a hound of the unearthly. Of course, he could never be sure on feelings alone; Zane only had one way to find out.

He got up with determination, he had a look of purpose about him, he then crossed the room and entered his bathroom. He opened his grungy mirror and grabbed a bottle of pills. Taking a deep breath, he unscrewed the lid, tapped out two onto the palm of his hand, and then replaced the bottle on the shelf. Zane put the mirror back in its original place and walked to his couch. His decision now made, he picked up a water bottle, downed the two pills and laid down onto the couch. He soon fell into a deep slumber, filled with anticipation.


He awoke, groggy and unfocused; it was like he hadn’t slept at all. His mind slowly returned to him, the haze lifting, and with it gone he pieced together the new information he had received. All of his suspicions had been confirmed. He waited a few more moments to recover from his dream. He breathed in and then breathed out, a repeated cycle. He hated these dreams; but it was now an unfortunate part of who he was. After shaking his head, one final movement to remove the fuzz from his brain, he glanced at the clock, it was 9 p.m. Zane sighed softly then got up, grabbed a coat, and headed out the door.
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Really short chapter, but the next one is quite long so it all evens out. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!