‹ Prequel: A Two Sided Coin
Status: Hiatus

Unwanted Inheritance

Chapter Seven - Hunt and Interlude

Zane sat in the cab, willing the car to go faster. He wanted to get this over with; he couldn’t let that monster roam free. He knew that he could catch her, if only he could get to his destination in time. She was an unpredictable target, that much he knew for certain, his dream told him as much.

He felt the cab slow to a stop, interrupting his thoughts, so he quickly paid the driver and exited the cab. In front of him lay an abandoned apartment building; no one had lived here for years. No one had even deemed the property worthy enough of remodeling. He got lucky that his cab driver knew the way to an unvisited place such as this

He exited the cab and discreetly paid the cab driver, his lightened pocket caused him to momentarily pause, money wasn’t a common thing to come across for him. Ignoring this feeling, he walked over to the glass door at the entrance of the building and jerked on the handle, locked, as expected.

Without hesitation, he leaned out and looked both ways to make sure nobody was paying him attention; then smashed his fist through the glass and opened the door from the inside. He ignored the pain coursing through his hand, it would heal soon enough, experience had taught him that. He looked around the decrypt building, then spotted a flight of stairs and chose his path. He walked up floor by floor, pausing at each level. He paused when he saw flashes of the dead before his eyes. It seemed as if the hunt had started.