Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 11

The wings on his back looked familiar. It looked like the ones in the shadow. Funny. If I didn’t know better I thought I may be going crazy.

I glanced out the window and sighed. “It’s getting late.” I whispered. “I should be getting home.”

“Do you have to?” Aaron blurted out before looking down at his shoes. I don’t get it! One minute this boy is outgoing the next he’s as quiet as a mouse.

“Let her go boy. Remember its open doors here.” Mr. Tod smiled. I nodded and got up, smoothing my skirt.

“I’ll see you on Monday, Aaron.” I smiled. “Thank you for the food. Bye.” I grinned, waving, before walking out.

I looked at the house. I couldn’t go inside. Ava was in there. I went to the side of my house, where the vines grew up the side of the fence.

I climbed up the fence onto the balcony. I slid the door open and changed into baggy pajama pants and a t-shirt. I brushed out my long black hair.

I heard giggling from my sister’s room. Banging on the wall, indicated her boyfriend was over.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she was knocked up by 17.

I slipped into bed and covered my ears. I didn’t like hearing that. It just was a constant reminder I had no love.

My eyes began to droop and I was lulled to sleep from the disgusting sounds from the other room.

I was running through the forest, the wet oak trees passing by me. The ground squishing beneath me. It had just rained and the air was humid. I heard a deep growl from behind me as I quickened my pace.

My legs burned from exertion and my ribs were on fire. I slid around the corner. I slipped and hit the ground, cutting my knee open on a branch.

The large shadow was coming closer when a wind picked up.

My hair whipped around me. It felt as if a helicopter was landing, that’s how much wind was around. The sound of something flapping filled the air.

A pair of large wings came down in front of me. That’s all I saw.

I sat up, breathing heavy. A cold sweat covered my body, my shirt clung to my skin. Nasty as I felt, I slipped in a cold bath and changed into a tank top and short shorts.

Again, not my taste in clothes but it would do. I was just about to dry my hair when I heard a knock on the door.

Footsteps banged up the stairs and I heard Ava’s voice. “Hey, your fag friend is here.” She said, attempting to sound evil, still wrapped in her boyfriends arms.

I slipped past her. What was Aaron doing here?