Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 13

Life or death? He has to be exaggerating. “Um, sure. Let me just go and.” I began before he cut me off by holding my wrist and dragging me outside.

“Chill out, Aaron. I can hardly keep up!” I whispered after being pulled after him.

“Sorry.” He said, making his way through the forest. “I can’t.” I stated, as he checked my bare feet.

He sighed and walked back to me. He picked me up and placed me on his sneakers. We walked in that awkward stance, me on his feet and him behind me, for some time.

I could hear his steady heart beat behind me. I breathed in his unique smell. For a moment, my heart fluttered before it saw the sight in front of us.

“Oh my god, Aaron.” I breathed. “It’s beautiful.” I sighed. He stayed quiet, letting me soak in everything.

I ran over and stared through the clear water. “It’s amazing how’d you know it was here?” I wondered aloud.

“I just kind of did.” He mumbled.

I picked up a rock and skipped it, watching it decent into the distance and hit a tree growing out of the pond.

I sat next to him as he silently played with a small stone. He picked it up and skipped it, hitting the same tree. I giggled slightly.

We went back and forth for a bit, maybe three rocks each, before he sighed. “This isn’t why I brought you here, Willow.” He breathed.

“Oh ya, Aaron.” I smiled. “Why’d you want to talk to me?” I giggled nervously, looking out on the lake.

“Willow, there’s something important about me. Not many people know, one group does.”

“Group?” I questioned.

“The FBI.”