Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 25

I sat there in that hall, shocked. I stared wide-eyed at my sister as her “friends” ran. I crawled up to her.

My eye throbbed and my chin ached, but I still tended to her. I struggled but picked up her light body and walked out of school. I don’t care who saw.


Later that day, I sat outside. Ava was in the house, asleep, and I sat there. I saw Mr. Tod’s car pull up.

They seemed like they were fighting. Mr. Tod got out of the car and slammed it, storming inside.

As Aaron got out, he looked up and saw him. Our eyes locked as he began to walk up to me.

“Hi.” He whispered. I didn’t answer, I just stared at my hands.

“I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “You broke her nose.” I said, quietly. “I was just trying to help.”

“I know.” I said simply. I looked up at him, my eye was now black and blue. He looked a bit shocked but then his face turned into sympathy.

“I thought you would be happy…I helped stand up for you and.” He began as I shook my head.

“She’s still my sister. She’s just going through a rough time.” I said, wanting to believe myself.

“Face it, she took you for grandaunt. You said you protected her.” He said, looking into my bruised eyes.

“You don’t know anything.” “I know that you believe me. You know what she’s doing.”

“You don’t know anything about our past.” I said, my face flushed.

“Then tell me, because I sure don’t get it.” He said, sternly. His eyes shown with fury and curious gleams.

“You don’t want to know.” I began. My voice was strained and kind of chocked. He doesn’t want to get it.

I don’t even want to get it.

“Please.” He said.

I sighed and sucked a deep breath in.

“It started when I was about 5. Ava and I used to share a bedroom. My dad would come in and.” I sucked in my breath. I didn’t want to go on.

“He would come in and tell me it was alright. That he was just keeping us safe. I was so afraid. He would come in and touch us.” I stated, closing my eyes tightly.

“I didn’t want to believe it then and I didn’t want to believe it now.” I winced. “Soon, he began to do other things. Other things that kids should never face. We were in pain all the time. Bloodied even.

I was so scared, Aaron. I had to stay strong for Ava. I protected her. When my mom finally saw, she didn’t believe it.

She turned to alcohol, drugs, anything to keep her off of life. Finally, I told the police.” I sighed at the memory.

“I promised my self that I wouldn’t give any more tears away to anyone. No one deserved it. “ I opened my eyes.

“I’m still scared.” As I looked into his piercing green eyes, I realized I’m not as strong as I thought.

I’m only a high school girl.

Whose afraid of the world.