Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 3

"Hi." He mumbled. "Hi there." I smiled. "I'm Willow Clark." I said out reaching my hand. He just kind of stared at it. His green eyes burning into me. I put my hand in my pocket a big offended.

"Aaron." He says after a bit. "Hmm?" "Aaron. My names Aaron." He says sternly but still quiet. "Cool." I smile and he just looks down. What is his problem? I was just trying to be nice..

Another uncomfortable silence filled the air. "Um..." I said, attempting to make conversation. Ava was so much better at this then me.

"Where'd you live before here?" I asked. "I have to go." He mumbled, glancing up at me. "Right, um. I live next door if you need help moving in or-." I get interrupted. "I can manage." He says, a bit rude.

Apparently realizing what he did, he flashed a small smile to make up. Although, it didn't reach his eyes. People said I was good at reading people. I could tell he wasn't sincere. I couldn't tell why.

"Um, wait. Do you go to Castillo High?" "I will." He says. bluntly. "Oh, um, me too. Maybe I can drive you there in the morning? Ya know, plus I can get away from my sister and." I realized I was blabbing so I stopped.

"Um, ya. Maybe." He said before walking back inside. He glanced behind once before he closed the door.

I walked back home that day and went up to my room. Something about his piercing green eyes didn't leave my mind. They just kept being burned into my mind. Something about him was different. I just don't know what.
