Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 33

I sat in the hallway, shivering from the cold rain. My breathing was just becoming regular.

My veins were pumping and even though I broke this habit long ago, I yearned for a blade. Just one cut.

My long black hair was matted to my face and my skin was drenched in rain and tears.

I wasted my no tears rule on her. I can’t cry ever again. She didn’t deserve it just like my dad didn’t.

The thoughts were bubbling in my head, until the point where I could stand it. I got up and paced for a few minutes.

My head began throbbing with the different stories I was remembering. I punched the wall, leaning my head against it.

I was tired of acting normal. I burst through Aaron’s door, startling him, causing him to poke himself with the needle.

“I said you shouldn’t come in he-.” He began before I cut him off. “I don’t care. I’m not watching.” I said, looking at his wall, back up in a ball.

I just needed to be in the room with some one besides myself.

Ava had been the person I could go to. She was the person who knows what I was going through.

She told me all her secrets, yet I hid one of my biggest from her. It wasn’t my fault though. My secret was from her.

“Does it hurt?” I asked, bluntly. I knew it did, but I had to say something. Anything to block out my own thoughts.

“Ya.” He whispered out.

I nodded, and covered up my thoughts by another comment.

“I’m sorry.” I blurted out.

“For?” He asked, concentrating on his stitch work.

“For everything.” I asked, shrugging. I stared at the wall, the pale color blending in with the rain in the window.

I crossed my legs and swore to my self it seemed as if I had ADHD sometimes. I can’t sit still when something is bothering me.

I turned and faced him, to see him stitching up the last wound. I walked over and sat next to him.

I peered into his green eyes and then back to his string covered wound. I ran my thumb lightly over it, hardly touching it.

I sighed and laid my forehead on his shoulder, where there were hardly any wounds. I closed my eyes and listened to the rain fall lightly on the roof.