Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 35

Same hour and still live. Wow. He followed me back into his room, as he pulled his sheets down for me.

He was practically tucking me in as if I was five.

“Goodnight, Willow.” He said, with a small smile. I quickly sat up, placing a light kiss on his nose and going back down. “Godnight.” I grinned.

It was odd. I haven’t known this boy for more then a month but I feel like I’ve always known him.

It’s as if he’s always been in my life. It feels almost natural to kiss him. It’s almost automatic.

He glanced behind before he walked out the door, leaving it open just a tad.

I glanced around the dim room. His room was fairly big, but it was open and hardly consisted of any furniture.

The bed was comfortable though. I fell asleep almost immediately.


I woke up around three in the morning. At least, that’s what the clock read. I had one of those moments where you have a mini heart attack because you forget where you are.

I glanced around the room, seeing my house out the window. His window matched perfectly with mine. The same cliché neighbor love story.

If we were in love.

I slipped out of his bed, my mouth feeling dry.

I venturued downstairs, searching endlessly for a kitchen. I heard some talking, which paused me in my spot.

“What do you mean that girl is staying in your room?” Mr. Todd asked, sickened.

“She doesn’t have a place to go.” Aaron mumbled.

“She has a place and it’s called home.” Mr. Todd snapped back. “You’re not good for her Aaron. Before you know it, she’ll be in love with you. She’s just another one of those hopeless teenage girls.”

“She’s meaningless. Don’t get involved with her. She just wants a love story.” He continued.

That all I wanted to hear. I ran back upstairs, not caring if they heard me. I slid into his bed and covered my face with the pillow.

That’s all I was to him.

To anyone.

Just Another

hopeless teenager.