Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 37

I was huddled up under the covered as I heard his footsteps coming closer. My heart raced as I faked my sleep.

My stomach felt like it was just kicked in from what he said. I don’t know why, but it cut deep.

I heard the door squeak open and a pressure next to me on the bed. The drawer opened and I heard him take something out.

I felt my hair pushed out of my face. “I know you’re not sleeping.” He whispered.

I opened my eyes into innocent slits. “What happened to your cheek?” I asked, quietly, sitting up.

He looked down ashamed. “It was because of me wasn’t it.” I whispered. “Not directly.” He stated, as I shook my head.

“I need to ask you something and remember you can say no. It’s hard to sew up my face. Can you maybe.” He said, his voice dropping silent.

I just nodded and gingerly took out the tools. “If I hurt you, just tell me to stop.” I stated, as he nodded.

I began sewing up the wound. This boys skin was as easy to break as paper, but his body was made of metal.

“Why do we still live with family?” I asked. “They cause us nothing but trouble.” I continued, concentrating on a steady hand.

“I don’t know, Willow.” He said. “I just don’t know.”

“You don’t have to sleep out there.” I mumbled. He closed his eyes in a little pain as I shook my hand a little.

“Sorry.” I apologized before continuing. “Just in case, he comes back out. I mean, I can sleep on the floor.” I smiled.

I finished up the gash and realized sewing wasn’t so bad. As long as I got to fix Aaron is was okay.

It helped him and that helped me. I moved some hair out of his eyes, and looked into them.

“You have pretty eyes.” I whispered, even though it was completely off topic. He half smiled, not using the injured side of his face.

“Thanks.” He stated. “I don’t get why we just don’t run away.” I said. Running away actually sounded brilliant.

I wanted too.

I’d be away from cliques, chicks, dicks, and all the other problems in the world. I’d be away from Aaron though. That’s why we sounded better.

“It’d be a whole lot harder out there.” He smirked, pausing at the sudden pain.

“It’d be better then it is here.” I said, sliding my finger over a scar from earlier. My finger left a hot trail on his skin as he attempted to shrug.

“I guess.” He replied.

That’s when I realized how easy that option was. Run away. Run away from everything and live your life the way it should.

Or was it really that easy?