Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 55

He killed all those people. Each one. Dead. Why was he fighting so hard?

I didn’t want to look at him anymore. For a second, I thought he might have been enjoying it.

It seemed that way sometimes

Soon, the video stopped. Excepting terrible silence until the next fight, I hung there.

The video snapped on again. This time is wasn’t a fight. It was Aaron.

“I brought her here for you. Can I go now?” He asked. “Not yet. She still loves you.” A familiar voice of his creator said.

“Why is that?” He asked, the image going black. Only they’re voices are heard. “She think’s you love her.”

“Stupid Girl. I never loved her. She’s only human.” Just then the video cut. Tears rolled up in my eyes.

He hates me. It was all a lie. I’m just a human.

A human who risked her life for him. Anger surged through me as I thrashed around. “I hate you!” I screamed.

I’m not sure who I was directing it to. Maybe everyone. He was the last one to give me hope in my life. The only hope.

The cuffs shocked me but I continued screaming and thrashing. The cuffs kept shocking me getting stronger each time.

Soon enough, my heart began skipping beats. Feeling weak, I stopped. “Why are you doing this to me?” I asked, my voice distant and full of anger.

“I said why are you doing this to me!” I shouted, as I was shocked again.

I fell weak in my cuffs. My breaths were shallow. I wanted to die right there.

He was the only thing that kept me going.

Now that he’s gone…

“No no no, you can’t die now.” A voice boomed tauntingly above me.

“Then why are you keeping me here?” I rasped. My heart was becoming regular again, but my chest still hurt.

“You can make him pay for what he’s done to you.” The voice said. I looked up, my eyes shining with hope.

“Anything.” Was all I had to say. A group of muscular genetically altered men came in and began sticking me with things.

“Two more doses and you’ll be the first Weeping Willow. You’ll be my newest pet.”