Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 56.

I closed my eyes as the light shined in on me. I almost growled then remembered I would Willow hurt if I did so I shielded my eyes with my feathered wings. It was so bright. Why? Soon I was being jerked out of my cage and into the halls.

"Get up! Get up boy!" my creator said slashing a whip across my lower back," One more match. You'll get to see your pet later."

I jumped up on my feet. My back hurt badly ,but I showed nothing related to it. I ran through the halls and into the ring. She better be alive. She better be alive! I looked around for my foe just then a hoard of bull people ran at me. There were so many. I can't lose! I have to see Willow myself. I have to know she's okay!

So I started my fight, slashing, clawing, stabbing, and kicking tell nothing was left. Suddenly everything was spinning. Everything was everywhere. I felt myself falling as my vision faded away.