Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 59

I woke up. My wrists were no longer changed. It felt weird, as I stood up on my feet.

My knees wobbled. I haven’t stood up on my own in weeks. Month’s maybe.

I ran over to the side of the cement room, and looked at my reflection in the metal door. My hair had neon green highlights to the bottom of it.

My hair turned to a dark dirt color. My skin color had changed and in some parts I almost looked darker. It was a mix between dark bark brown, and leaf green.

Almost in some parts.

Otherwise I looked like the same Willow. Actually, I looked better.

My skin was smooth, like a waxy leaf. My blue eyes were now had various colored green speckles.

I felt stronger. I felt more awake. Energy flowed through me.

One of the men came in and grabbed me. It didn’t hurt though. I was strong enough to yank back.

“I don’t think so.” I said. My voice sounded seductive, smooth, and rich. I could charm or convince anyone.

Like a gorgeous willow tree.

He smiled. “Gosh.” He said, dumb-founded. “I was just going to teach you how to fight.” He said.

I smiled, showing off my suddenly straight teeth. I looked perfect. “Lead the way.” I smiled.

As he leaded me into a room, I took notice of what I was training on.

Small children. Children who were transformed. “This isn’t why I turned into this. I’m not going to fight them.” I said, sternly.

“Ma’am, you have to.” He said, but he seemed to end it in a question.

No one has told him no.

At least no one with this sort of look.

“I’m not training on children and you’re not going to make me.” I smiled, blinking my eyelashes a few times.

“Ma’am.” He started. “Now go get me some test dummies.” I said, lustfully looking into his eyes.

“Right away…” He mumbled. I don’t know what came with being a true Willow. What ever it was, helped a whole lot with convincing.

Even if I had to act like a whore.

What ever works.