Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 7

He simply walked inside. “What is his problem!” Ava shouted next to me.

Startled, I turned around. “What are you talking about?” I quickly covered up.

“He didn’t even say hi! We are going over there and we are going over there now!” She stated, stomping her pedicured feet over to the house.

“No please, Ava!” I shouted, standing my ground. “You better get your ass over here and stand my back.” She yelled.

I hurried over to her. I can’t even help it, by now its just a reflex. She banged on the door, causing it to echo in the empty house.

“I know you’re in there, Aaron.” She shouted after a few minutes. “Ava stop it.” I hushed her.

“No you stop it, Willow.” She said, with a evil glance toward me. It was enough to lull me to silence.

The door slowly slid open. “H-hello?” He muttered, just his head sticking out. He looked flushed and scared, but yet brave.

“Excuse me.” She said, in a bitchy tone. She looked him over and snorted. “I don’t know who you think you are, but when you see me you better say hi.”

He looked over to me, his eyes shown a emotion I couldn’t read. I stared at my feet. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you.” He stuttered out.

“I’m Ava. Willow’s mentor and sister.” She giggled a high pitched laugh as I flinched. “Mentor?” He questioned.

“Yes Mentor.” She laughed, as if it was obvious. “I’m sure she can speak for herself, Eva.” He whispered.

“It’s A va. “ She slurred. “It doesn’t matter.” He smirked before shutting up. I let a small smile slip before Ava saw and stepped her pointy heel on my open toes as I winched in pain.

Aaron tensed up and took a small step forward. “It’s not nice to treat your sister that way.” He said.

“I can treat her what ever way I want. Don’t come to this town telling me what to do.” She laughed. “Got it, you little emo fag.”

Little did she know what that little comment would cause.