Sequel: Into The Light

Left In The Dark

Chapter 70.

The smoke burned my throat and I had Willow in my arms keeping her close against me. I knew plants burned like paper. If the fire touched her it'd be beyond repair. I knew I left my bag behind. I knew that I'd lost everything I needed to survive ,but I was going back for it after she was safe. The rest didn't matter. I didn't matter.

I ran though the tunnels looking for a way out. I kept running, not loosing a second to chance. I was water dripping from the edge of a root. I set Willow down and began to dig a way out. I just kept digging. Finally a bunch of dirt fell over me and I shook it off. I grabbed Willow and climb out of the hole then put her down. The fire was three miles behind us. I ran pretty fast. When I disappeared into the hole I was cursed lower then a dog. Under any other circumstances it would've been hilarious. Right now it was just another reason I needed to get my book bag.

The closer I got to the place I left it it the more I kept thinking "so this is what it's like to be a chicken". The fire fell down near my book bag when it came into view. I broke into a full run and prayed I wouldn't get hurt too bad. As soon as I grabbed my bag I saw a man standing above to tunnel holding a gun. I stared at him until the flames licked my shot wing then ran away as bullets scattered behind me.

I ran so fast I thought I was flying for a second then remembered retard you burnt you wing. When I got to the hole I left Willow above ground at she was standing under it. I walked up to her and she slapped me. I tried not to smile. It proved impossible. She slapped me again then saw my wing. I threw my book bag up on the surfaced then helped her up and got myself out. She put on my back pack and I pulled out my hand gun. It was still loaded. I took it off safety and swore I'd kill the man that shot at me. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he started the fire.

We ran through the forest and kept going. Then city lights came into view. I didn't like that. I didn't like it at all. Willow seemed okay with it ,but I wasn't going back to civilization. No more humans. I only had enough humanity to love one and she was right beside me. Fuck the rest of the world.