Save Your Heart for Someone Who Leaves You Breathless


Tears filled Renee’s eyes as she waved Anthony off as he drove away and back to school.

She shut the door and closed her eyes, replaying their good bye’s in her mind so that she’d never forget them.

“I wish you didn’t have to leave.” She said sadly, her head finding its way to his chest.

“Me either, Renee.” Her heart had skipped beats when he said her name, it always did.

Renee sighed sadly, realizing that Anthony would be gone within minutes.

“I guess you have to leave.” She said, looking up at him.

“I guess I do.” He said back, then, he took her face gently in his hands. “Don’t let him hurt you, Renee. Your too beautiful, and good, to be hurt.”

“Okay, I won’t” she whispered. And even now, just remembering it, she could still feel the lump that had filled her throat, because she had lied to Anthony.


After Renee had gotten over the initial depression from Anthony’s absence, she went up to her room to see her phone lit up.

One missed call.

One text message.

From Ryan.

Why didn’t you answer my call?! I’m leaving the airport now. I expected you to be here. I’ll be at your house in twenty minutes.

That was fifteen minutes ago.

All the oxygen was sucked out of Renee’s body at once and she stood in shock for only seconds before getting into motion and cleaning up her room, and kitchen, trying to hide all evidence of Anthony’s presence.

Within the five minutes she had her room was cleaned, and she sprinted downstairs to clean the kitchen, when the door bell rang.

She quickly took the bowls and all the things her and Anthony had used to make pancakes, and through them into the cupboards. Then, she tried to calm her breathing and answered the door.

“You better have a good excuse for not answering my call.” Was his greeting.

“I-I was asleep.”

He pushed past her and started up the stairs. Renee quickly closed the door and followed him upstairs.

“You were asleep?”

“Y-Yes.” She said to him, where he stood in the door of her bedroom.

“Then why is your bed made?”

“I-I wanted to clean up my house for you.” She lied as a quick excuse.

“Awuh, babe.” He said to her, coming closer. Renee almost flinched. It didn’t sound the same as when Anthony said it. “Your so cute.” He said, wrapping his arms around her waist. “See? If you act like this more often, I wouldn’t have to hit you.”

At that moment, all Renee wanted to do was scream. To scream at him, and yell, and demand and answer as to how in the hell does she act otherwise? All she wanted to do was scream at him, and tell Anthony to come back, so that he could protect her, because now that she knew that someone in the world cared enough about her to never hurt her, that was what she wanted more than anything.
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short, i know, but there will be more tonight!