Save Your Heart for Someone Who Leaves You Breathless


“Renee, wait!” She heard as she began to walk out of the gym. She turned around to a chest in her face and being grabbed in a hug.

She wrapped her arms around the mystery person also, and looked up to see who it was.

“Ryan!” she screamed, “Awesome pass!”

“It was nothing,” he said shrugging as they pulled apart.

“Nothing? Are you kidding me? That was Magic Johnson status!” she said to him, referring to the famous NBA basketball player that was known for his amazing passes.

“Thanks,” he said blushing slightly.

Renee, of course, blushed at this, because not only was Ryan a Senior also, but he was popular!, and a normal girl like Renee was making him blush?

“So, I was just wondering, some of the guys on the team are going out to celebrate with their girlfriends, would you, uh, wanna go with me?” he asked nervously.

“Y-You mean as a, like, date?” she asked, looking down trying to hide her red face.

“Yeah…” he trailed off.

Anthony’s image flashed in her mind, “I don’t…” but then Emily’s did. “I would love too.” She said smiling up at him.

“Great!” he said, flashing a smile at her. “Just let me go get showered and changed, you can meet me in the back parking lot.” Renee made a face when he said that, because it was February and about ten degrees outside. “Don’t worry,” he said smiling at her, “I’ll be quick.”

Renee walked around all the people to get to the back parking lot, on her way to go on a date, with a guy she was not really attracted to, where she would have to witness the guy she was secretly in love with be with his girlfriend.

Oh yes, Renee thought to herself sarcastically, I’m excited.

Anthony left Emily to wait for him in the back parking lot so that he could go get showered and changed for the celebration.

He walked into the locker room and after the coach gave them their congratulating speech, the locker room eventually cleared out to only a few people.

“Hey Ryan,” Anthony said walking over to where Ryan was standing with a towel around his waste, newly showered, just like Anthony.

“Dude, I didn’t get to tell you, but awesome lay up.” Ryan said grinning, grabbing his friends hand and bumping shoulders.

“No dude, that was nothing, nice pass, it was amazing.”

“Anyway,” Ryan said, “what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Oh, yeah, I saw you talking to that Freshman, Renee.” Anthony said laughing and wriggling his eyebrows, trying to make it seem like he wasn’t ready to punch one of his teammates in the face.

“Yeah,” Ryan said, his face lighting up into a grin at the sound of Renee’s name. “I asked her to come celebrate with us.” He said, beginning to get his clothes out of his locker.

“But we are just bringing our girlfriends?” Anthony said, confused.

“Yeah,” Ryan said, as if Anthony was stupid, “I asked her to come with us, as a date.”

“Oh.” Anthony said, “Well good luck, man.” He said, patting his shoulder before he walked away to get dressed, trying to calculate just how long he would be able to go without grabbing her from Ryan. Anthony couldn’t stand the thought of her being with anybody else.

Renee waited outside the school in the back parking lot for Ryan to come out so that he could get in his warm car.

She wasn’t waiting alone though, Emily, along with other players’ girlfriends, was right along side of her.

“Renee,” Emily said, turning to face the poor shivering girl. “who are you staying for?”

“R-Ryan.” Renee said, shivering so hard that her jaw quivered.

“Ooh lala.”

Renee just smiled, because all the boys came walking out of the doors at the same time.

“Hey,” Ryan said to Renee when he got close enough.

“Hi.” Renee smiled back.

Ryan turned and led her to his car and opened the passenger seat door for her.

“Thank you.” Renee said, sliding into the car.

He shut the door and walked around to the other side as Renee watched out the window to see all the other couples disappearing into their cars, including Anthony and Emily, who were slid into Anthony’s car and started up the engine.

“Ready?” Ryan said from beside Renee.

“Y-Yes.” She said smiling, but blushed when he laughed. “I’m sorry,” she said looking down at her hands, “I’m just so cold that my lips are numb.” She said, and looked up at him slowly to see if he would laugh at her again.

“Let me help you with that.” He said softly, before leaning in and placing a soft warm kiss on Renee’s terribly cold lips.

After a moment, Renee kissed back, this having been her first kiss; she didn’t really know what to do.

He slowly pulled away from her, smiling ear to ear.

“Let’s go.” He whispered, starting the engine and turning to face ahead.

Renee just smiled and blushed, and turned towards the window, having a clear view of Anthony and Emily begin to make out viciously.

Renee blushed for witnessing that, not only because she was embarrassed, she was pissed.
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