Save Your Heart for Someone Who Leaves You Breathless


Anthony and Emily got into his car and he started the engine, he briefly looked over at Ryan’s car. Through the windshield, he could see Ryan pull Renee in for a kiss.

This did two things to Anthony, one, it made him furious, and two, even if he didn’t want to admit it, it made him jealous.

So, acting in blind fury, he turned to Emily and grabbed her, bringing her to kiss him in a violent make out session.

Eventually though, after most of the cars had left, Anthony and Emily had broken apart, and he peeled out of the parking lot on their way to the pizzeria where all the couples were going to celebrate.

Since Anthony and Emily were the last two to get there, there were only two seats left. They were right in the middle of Sarah, Emily’s bestfriend, and Renee. So, of course, since Emily wanted to sit beside Sarah, Anthony slid into the seat right beside Renee.

After they had all ordered their drinks and gotten their food, everybody fell into easygoing conversation, and nobody seemed to realize that Anthony was steaming with fury.

What really got him, though, is when Ryan put his arm around Renee, and she tiredly laid her head on his shoulder, yawning.

Not only was Anthony pissed that Ryan was the one allowed to hold her, instead of Anthony, but seeing her tired and yawning was just about the cutest damn thing that he had ever seen.

Fine, he thought to himself. If their playing it cute, I’ll play it cute.

He turned to his girlfriend and kissed her cheek, when she turned to face him, he gently grabbed her face and looked into her eyes longingly, bring her lips up to meet his.

After the deed was done, he realized how sick he was being. Trying to make the girl he secretly loved jealous by tenderly kissing and pretending to love his actual girlfriend.

He needed to stop. For Emily’s sake.

So he did. He stopped talking to Renee at their lockers, and eventually, stopped associating with her completely, going to his locker at different times to avoid her.

Renee didn’t understand why Anthony was so quiet at their locker’s all the time. Usually he was the one who made the conversation, not her struggling to. The answer came, though, when she stopped seeing him at her locker altogether.

She didn’t understand what she did wrong. Was it the fact that she went out with Ryan? This angered Renee, he was allowed to have a girlfriend, but she wasn’t allowed to go on a date?

Eventually though, she stopped caring, because she had a new locker buddy.

At that second Ryan came walking up to her locker, making his usual faithful trip to her locker between every class. They had been talking more and more, and even though they hadn’t kissed since that night after the basketball championship, they had been hanging out more and more.

Even though she knew she had never had a chance at a relationship with Anthony, it still hurt that he avoided her, because she would rather be friends than nothing at all.

So, with her newfound hurt and anger, she turned to where Ryan leaned up against the lockers and did something she never expected herself to do. She reached up, grabbing the collar of his shirt and brought him down to where she was standing on her tiptoes, and brought his lips to hers, in front of the whole school.

His hand clasped around her hip as he brought her closer to him, but they broke apart before the principle could come over yelling at them for PDA.

“Be mine.” Ryan whispered into her ear softly, his voice husky and his arm still around her.

She just nodded and kissed him again.

Maybe this was what she needed. A guy that actually wanted her, instead of pining over another guy who she knew she would never have.

Her thought was cut off though, when she was pushed out, falling into Ryan’s arms as he caught her.

She turned around, wondering who had done this to her.

It was Anthony, standing at his locker and putting his combination in.

“Dude. Watch it.” Ryan said, pissed at what Anthony had just done, and still holding a shocked Renee in his arms.

“First of all, she shouldn’t have been in the way. Second of all, she’s a Freshman and I’m a Senior. And third of all, cool your tits man, it’s not like she’s your girlfriend or anything.” Anthony said, still facing his locker.

“First of all,” Ryan replied back, in a snapping tone. “you don’t ever push girls out of the way, you prick. Second of all, who gives a shit if she’s a Freshman, she’s still a person? And third of all, she is my girlfriend dumbass.” Ryan was being rude to Anthony, but he couldn’t help it, he was protecting his girl.

Anthony was pissed at himself. He had forgotten his Physics book so now he was hurrying down the hall to his locker, hoping to get there before Renee did.

Sadly, though, his timing was tragically perfect. He walked closer to his locker just in time to see Ryan and Renee kiss.

So angry and jealous, he didn’t think about what he was doing, and pushed Renee out of the way of his locker.

“Dude. Watch it.” Ryan snapped from beside him, still holding Renee.

“First of all, she shouldn’t have been in the way. Second of all, she’s a Freshman and I’m a Senior. And third of all, cool your tits man, it’s not like she’s your girlfriend or anything.” Anthony said, still facing his locker.

“First of all,” Ryan replied back, in a snapping tone. “you don’t ever push girls out of the way, you prick. Second of all, who gives a shit if she’s a Freshman, she’s still a person? And third of all, she is my girlfriend dumbass.”

Anthony was slightly shocked at the way Ryan was talking to him. Even though the basketball season was over, they had still played together for four years.

What really caught Anthony’s attention, though, was the last thing Ryan said. She is my girlfriend, Anthony repeated in his head.

“Cool.” Anthony said, deadpan, and slammed his locked shut, walking away in fury and only realizing when he got to his Physics class that he had forgotten to grab his Physics book from his locker.
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ooh lala...(: comments?