Save Your Heart for Someone Who Leaves You Breathless


Twenty minutes, Renee thought to herself. Twenty minutes and I will no longer be a Freshman, Freshmeat, or a Freshie.

She was in study hall, an extremely boring class because they had to be quiet, which was currently killing the students because summer was merely twenty minutes away!

Renee just sat back and thought to herself about how this year had gone. She had great classes and made more friends, including Anthony. She had made all Varsity for every sport she played, and had gotten a Senior boyfriend who she would be riding to the zoo with after school when she ran out to his car to meet him.

As that thought popped into her mind, she remembered that she had left her wallet in her locker, and that she needed to stop by her locker and get it since the school was closing.

As soon as the bell rang she scurried through the halls around all the screaming high schoolers celebrating the end of the year to get to her locker so that she could quickly get to Ryan’s car.

When she got there she saw Anthony standing at his locker also.

Anthony, the guy who she had her eyes on for almost the entire year, who had been her friend before he completely shunned her out of his life. It didn’t feel right leaving without saying something, anything, because she would most likely never see him again.

“Anthony,” she said sighing, turning to him at the exact same time that he had said her name and turned to her.

They both smiled.

“You go first.” He said to her.

“Well, I wanted to say goodbye and have fun at college, and that I’m sorry we stopped being friends. I just didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.” She said, smiling slightly at him. “Your turn.”

“I just wanted to say that I am sorry for ignoring you and being a complete dick this last half of the year.” He said sighing and shaking his head. “It was stupid.”

Her heart swelled. This is what she had been waiting for for five long months of him shunning her. She had wanted this all along, because even if she couldn’t be with him, she still wanted to be his friend.

Before she could realize what she was doing she stood up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugging him, bringing him down to her level.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and she whispered into his ear. “You weren’t being a dick.”

He laughed slightly and they let go of each other, just looking at each other, neither one wanting to say goodbye.

“Well, I have to go.” Renee said, gesturing to the door behind her.

“Yeah me to.” Anthony said.

She smiled up at him.

“Have a nice life, Anthony.” Then she kissed him on the cheek and turned and walked away and out of the doors. The farther away she walked, the farther out of her life he became.

Anthony sat in his last period class, Psychology. Of course they weren’t doing anything today, and everyone could talk and do whatever, but Anthony sat back, thinking.

His entire high school career had been amazing, but none of the other three years had amounted to how this year turned out at all.

This year his basketball team won the championships, and he made the winning shot. He had been voted Prom King, which came as a shock to him, since he wasn’t particularly popular, and he had met Renee.

His thoughts were cut off by the final bell ringing. He chuckled. That bell had never been more final.

He hurriedly walked to his locker to clear the rest of it out when Renee walked up to her locker.

Renee, the girl that he had wanted so badly, but could never have. The girl that smelled of pomegranates and who was an amazing athlete. The girl he had been a complete douche to for so long.

He couldn’t leave without clearing the air between them.

“Renee,” he said turning to face her at the exact same time that she said his name and turned to him. “You go first.” He said smiling down at her.

“Well, I wanted to say goodbye and have fun at college, and that I’m sorry we stopped being friends. I just didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.” She said, smiling slightly at him. “Your turn.”

His heart swelled for this girl who was trying to leave with a clean slate, all because he was being an asshole.

“I just wanted to say that I am sorry for ignoring you and being a complete dick this last half of the year.” He said sighing and shaking his head. “It was stupid.”

He could see the relief plainly written on her face. But what he didn’t see was the possibility that she would ever, ever, hug him, which is exactly what she did.

She suddenly reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him down to her level.

He wrapped his arms around her waist without a seconds hesitation and goose bumps arose on his skin when she whispered “You weren’t being a dick.” Her breath fluttering across his neck.

Right then, at exactly that moment he wanted to kiss her, to kiss her unlike he had kissed any other girl before. He wanted to take her with him to college, and keep her for himself forever. So that no one could ever have her, and that she would always be his.

But he just laughed and they broke apart.

They just looked at each other, neither one wanting to say goodbye.

“Well, I have to go.” Renee said, gesturing to the door behind her.

“Yeah me to.” Anthony said.

She smiled up at him.

“Have a nice life, Anthony.”

Then she surprised him one more time. She reached up and kissed his cheek, before turning around and walking away from him and out of his life.

And then his heart broke.
♠ ♠ ♠
sad sad sad! enjoy! lol, this is the last one for tonight folks! maybe...depends on how fast I get this homework done! comments?