Save Your Heart for Someone Who Leaves You Breathless


Before Renee had ever met Ryan, she couldn’t stand the thought that Anthony would leave for college, but he did. And time went on.

It was already mid July and Renee was absolutely sure that she was in love with Ryan.

It was a nice, warm summer, and Renee spent that time to soak up the sun and all her time she had left with Ryan before he left for college across the country within a month.

Even though they had been going about for about six months now, the most Renee and Ryan had ever done was make out passionately. Renee never wanted to go any farther, and Ryan seemed to be okay with that.

Renee’s mother had Renee when she was in high school, and was just now getting her college degree. Renee didn’t want to turn out like that, so no matter how hard it was sometimes, she always said no to Ryan’s temptations.

She had to do this once more one day while they lay making out on Ryan’s couch, the house empty.

She giggled. “Ryan, no.” she said, sliding his hand back down her leg.

He sighed.

“Okay, whatever.” He said getting up and sitting a few feet away from her.

“R-Ryan, are you angry at me?” she said when he wouldn’t talk to her.

He looked over at her where she was sitting on her knees on the couch, a worried expression filling her face.

He sighed, smiling.

“No.” she smiled and crawled up, sitting in the crook of his open arm. “I can never stay mad at you.”

“So you were mad!” Renee said, pointing a finger at him.

“Well, yeah I guess, Renee. I’m just not used to not having sex.” He said, turning to look at the t.v.

This caught Renee’s attention.

She leaned back, and out of his arms.

“Ryan.” She said when didn’t seem to notice her silence.

He turned to look at her, “What?”

“H-How many time’s have you had sex before?”

He shrugged, like it was no big deal. “I don’t know, a lot. I’m a Senior, Renee.”

“I bet Anthony isn’t like this.” She mumbled, looking away from him.

“What did you just say?” he asks, turning to face her sharply.

“N-Nothing.” She mumbles, scared and quivering in her seat as Ryan starts to stand up and tower over her.

“No. I heard what you said. You little bitch,” and with that, he brought his hand down, hard, slapping Renee on the cheek.

Then he stalked out the door, leaving Renee where she sat on her couch, sobbing and shaking, not know what to do, or who to turn to.
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sorry its been soo long! my computer had a virus and i couldnt get on! please forgive me!