Save Your Heart for Someone Who Leaves You Breathless


Anthony had already walked out side to feel the brisk November winds hitting his bare arms.

Damn it, he thought to himself, chastising himself for not bringing a coat.

He didn’t feel like going back up to his dorm because he was already down at the parking lot waiting for Emily to pull up.

Finally she did, swinging her Corvette into the parking spot and running up to him, clinging to him with everything that she had.

“I missed you so much babe!” she said, whispering in his ear.

Somehow her whispers didn’t make his heart leap and his body shiver the way Renee’s did.

As soon as the thought entered into his head he pushed them back. He had been doing fine, not thinking about Renee, not turning every time he smelled that damn amber that she had always smelled like. The dreams, though, the dreams got to him. Even when he thought he was doing amazing, the dreams would come back, and he’d break down all over again.

“So,” he said as he lead Emily up to his dorm room, trying to break his thoughts of Renee, “how is the basketball team?”

“We’re doing great, haven’t had any games yet, but out practices and scrimmages are looking amazing. Except Renee, she hasn’t been doing so well, which is shocking, you know?” she said to Anthony.

“What do you mean?” he asked her, his hear beginning to race.

“What?” she asked. “What do I mean about what?”

“Renee, not playing good.” He said, reminding her.

“Oh!” she said, her face flashing with realization. Anthony stood amazed at how quickly this girl could enter and exit someone’s mind so fast without even an after thought. “Well, she’s been showing up a little late to practice all the time, even though Ryan always takes her all the time.”

“Ryan? I though he went to college, like, across country?” Anthony asked suspiciously.

“Oh, he was, but then he decided to go to the community college instead, to be closer to Renee.” She said, throwing daggers up at Anthony, clearly telling him that she didn’t like the fact that she had to drive to see him.

“Back to Renee.”

“Oh, yeah, well she’s been late and just, not being herself. She’s been really quiet and shy—” she said before Anthony cut her off.

“She’s always been quiet and shy.”

“Yeah, but this is like, really quiet and shy. She won’t talk to anyone, won’t even answer teachers, and when someone talks to her, she zones out, and doesn’t even realize she’s being spoken to. Its actually really annoying.” Emily said flipping her hair and rolling her eyes.

“And, the worst part!” Emily went on, “She freaks out over nothing!” she went on when Anthony raised a questioning brow. “Like, if you tap her on the shoulder, she jumps away and freaks out.”

“Yeah, that’s weird…” Anthony said, trailing off.

Eventually Emily left, and Anthony went up to his dorm to lay down, thinking about what Emily had said.

She’s been late, shyer than normal, jumpy, and scared.

Anthony sat upright in his bed, his eyes tinting red as he realized what was happening. Why Ryan stayed back and why Renee was so different.

That mother fucker was hurting her. Anthony thought, and before he could take another breath, he was out of his bed, dorm, and dorm building. Sprinting to his car and turning on the engine. Determined to get back to her, because even if she wasn’t his, she was still a girl that needed help.

And since that girl that needed help was Renee, Anthony had no problem being the one to save her.
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probably another one up tonighht!