Through a Mirror Darkly


Far Away from the stronghold, an evil was dawning over a sunlight land. Deep within his Crypt, Solace had been slumbering, waiting for the last of the Ravenis to awaken. Only the Ravenis could challenge his power, and remove him from the circles of the world. His servant, King Deshler of Bohemia, held in power as long as Solace lived, moved toward the tomb. In his hand he held a vial of Ravenis blood, the only thing to awaken solace from his sleep. Gingerly he poured the blood into the deep groove that ran around the tomb. The blood flashed unearthly red for a second, and was then swallowed into the crypt with a great hiss now the seals were broken, and Solace needed only to wake in order to complete his dominance.
“Is it done?” Came the voice from the coffin. Deshler nodded. It was useless trying to deceive solace. He could get inside your head. “Then it is good. Only one Ravenis remains and he is unknowing of his own power. This will be an easy hunt, where I finally remove all trace of them from the earth and I take my rightful place as lord of all things.” There was a hiss, and the coffin opened. Lying there, a normal human would have said solace was dead, but they would have been wrong. He rose silently, as if being lifted by invisible hands. Falling to his feet, he smashed a hole in the floor where he landed. “Are my clothes preserved?” he breathed as Deshler approached holding a bundle.
“I am afraid they perished, but the royal tailors have made these for you. They are more than equal to your old garments.” He placed the bundle at solace’s feet, where they floated up to place themselves on his body. Solace moved to the window.
“Now the hunt begins, and I will taste man flesh!” he hissed as he turned to Deshler. “Bring weapons. We will hunt him down tonight.”