Status: Stay with me... It may take a while but I will have something for you, if you comment.

Rolls of Parchment


“JAMES!” I yelled as I apparated outside his house. The house was crumbling as I tried to force my way in. The roof was moments away from collapsing on top of the rest of the house, and a fire was staring to burn from the inside. This couldn’t be it. It couldn’t be the end. Even though my heart knew what had happened, I still didn’t want to believe it. I couldn’t have lost him. As I got through the front door, I saw him. Lying on the floor, like he was, he could have been sleeping, apart from the cold gaze in which he looked at me. “James, Come on. James! Don’t you dare, leave me!” I yelled at him, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. The sobs racking my body made it hard to breathe. A pair of arms wrap around my shoulders. “NO! Leave me alone!” I yell to the ears of the person whose arms were pulling me away from James.
“Beth, baby, come on. We need to get out.” I could hear the tears in Sirius’ voice.
“No, I can’t leave him!”
“Elizabeth, I cannot lose you as well! Come on!” he yells over the creaking and breaking of the wood that is falling down around us. I give in to his desperate pleas and allow him to pull me out of the house. Sirius pointed his wand at the house and put most of the flames out.
“Lily! Harry!” I yell at the house, remembering them as the house crumbles.
“Harry’s safe.” Sirius said pulling me into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry, Beth.” Was all he said and I knew.
There was a soft ‘pop’ noise, as Albus, walked over to us. There was a single tear still gleaming in the old professor’s white beard.
“Harry is with Hagrid. They fought to protect him. They couldn’t have done anything else.”
“How did he know where they were?” I asked him, tears still streaming down my face.
“I do not know. I give you my word, Elizabeth, we will find him.”
“What’s going to happen to Harry?” Sirius asked hugging me tighter.
“He will go to Lily’s sister. They will bring him up as a muggle, until his 11th birthday, and then he’ll come to Hogwarts. The less he knows about the wizarding world at the moment, the better. The less the wizarding world knows about him the better.” Knowing that Harry would be safe, made me feel a little better, but I knew that nothing would ever be the same.
“You had better get back to Remus and Phoenix. We will find him, Beth.” Albus says with a look over his half-moon spectacles.
Sirius nods his head and holds me closer as we apparate home.

“Mummy? Daddy? Why are you crying?” Phoenix says running towards us. As I scoop her up in my arms and hug her tightly, she hugs me back, giving me the strength to tell her.
“Aunt Lily and Uncle James have gone to see Merlin, sweetie.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this is the epilogue. Tell me what you think, I'm trying a new thing so I would love to know what you think. Next chapter will be longer, if you comment.
Have a very magical day!!