Status: Finished

Sands of Time

01. For Pure Amusement


“Thieves in the palace! Thieves!”

Airin ran through the cold hallway as she brushed past all the pharaoh’s men. She was told by Mahado and Siamun to go awaken Priest Seto as they headed towards the scene. Her bare feet seemed to just brush the ground as she ran down the halls.

When she was near his bed chambers she called out for his name, “Priest Seto! You must waken. Thieves! The Pharaoh is in danger!”

The man woke with a start and sat up in his bed. The younger female in front of him was trying to catch her breath as she continued to explain what was happening. The male was up and out of bed quickly and pulled on his robes.

She had turned away as he dressed and he grabbed onto her arm roughly as they headed down to the pharaoh’s bed chambers. Seto was demanding if she knew anything else or had seen who they were.

“No, Priest Seto. I swear on Khnem I don’t know anything.”

Seto squeezed the thin arm in his hand tighter while the other hand held onto the millennium rod, “You better not be lying slave or the gods Maatiu will pass judgment.”

Seto knew of the slave in front of him wasn’t always a servant. She was a thief herself. Stole money from a man in towns for food. She was a child still around twelve when Mahado caught her but she was brought before Seto and Shada. This was the first time Airin was brought in front of the millennium items and where her fate was sealed.

Shada believed her heart was pure and she stole for pure intentions of helping her family through struggles. The priests had decided for her to pay for her sin she was to work for the palace. There they would help her family but she must give all her devotion to the pharaoh Atem. If she made another slip up it would be her head this time.

She was forced to work for Priest Seto earning her a dark tattoo of a dragon on her right arm in representation of his ka residing in his soul. It was his way of making sure she knew he owned her and that it was a reminder of who she was.

What he didn’t know was that in her spare time she was still the same thief stealing person but had become very good at doing so. She went out all the time to get what she wanted and was planning to do so tonight till the thieves planned to come here and ruin her night.

Her lying was quickly learned. Especially with Seto watching almost every move she made. His icy blue eyes seemed to see right through her and she couldn’t have that. She valued her life and refused to let herself die.

Though, over the past six years she had been found of Seto. She tried to stop her dangerous actions but she couldn’t kick the habit. She wanted to impress him. Wanted to catch his attention which she felt she had done so recently. He smiled at her occasionally, gave her compliments here and there and even worked with her to teach her how to fight with certain weapons including the battle axes. If she was here, she was going to learn almost everything.

He believed that if she was needed to defend the palace she was going to need to be able to defend herself since her ka, the creature within her heart and soul, hadn’t shown itself yet. He knew it was harboring in her soul but he couldn’t do anything till it showed it’s self. He swore he’d seal it into a sealing stone and her ka would rest in the Shrine of Wedju where the rest of the sealed ka’s were kept. He refused to let it be used to defend her or let herself get lost into the darkness and lose herself completely. He was told her soul was pure but he refused to believe it. There were very few people whose ka’s he believed were worthy of being free inside them.

As they turned toward the chambers Isis was coming from down another hallway and met with them. Seto let go of Airin and Isis spoke calmly. She said she was shown with the millennium necklace that she foresaw this all and that the thief behind this was Bakura, the King of thieves.

“He doesn’t deserve such a title Isis. He is merely a fool.”

Airin felt the color drain from her face. Bakura was here? He had made it back into the palace again? She still remembered the last time he was here. He destroyed the tomb of Akhenamkhanen. She still remembered the death of Akhenamkhanen and when Atem was forced to take over from his father. Those were dark days that shook through Egypt.

The three of them heard a loud explosion and rushed towards the window overseeing the town in a west direction. They could see a cloud of dust rise from the end of the ceremonial boulevard and at the entrance of the shrine where the ka’s were resting.

Isis looked pale as she looked out, “The shrine! If the stones are damaged the ka’s will be free.”

Seto banged his fist against the stone as he stared out, “Isis, fetch Kalim and Shada. Stop the thieves here and get to the shrine right after. I will call forth Akhenaden to go towards the shrine now.”

“Yes, and you?”

“I will be with the pharaoh.”

She nodded and dismissed herself. She practically ran down the halls as Airin and Seto entered the chambers. Seto called out and the pharaoh was already up and dressed. Airin got down on her knees and Seto slightly bowed.

Atem turned to them, “On your feet Airin. You stand as high as my Priests.”

She looked over at Seto for approval and he gave her a blank look before talking toward Atem. She slowly stood up as she listened to the two. Atem listened critically and spoke back with suggestions.

Atem looked over to her, “Airin, do you know where Akhenaden’s chambers are?”


“Go, now. Fetch him and bring him here.”

She nodded and ran out of the room and into the hallway. She past another window and could see it was still dark. It was clear that Ra didn’t want to wake the world yet. She continued down the halls of the palace till she heard a crash just before her. She stopped and turned the corner to follow the loud noise.

She could see a torch of the floor with a spear near it. She knew those kinds of spears. They were for the guards to use. A guard was here and with the crash sound it had made it was clear there some kind of fight that just happened.

She had to proceed because this was the way she needed to go. Akhenaden was needed. She slowly made her way to the torch and picked up the spear. It felt heavy in her hands. She couldn’t seem to grip the wood right, her hands were too sweaty.

The voice came from the shadows, “You might want to put that down woman. You don’t want to hurt yourself.”

“Who’s there?” She turned in a circle still not seeing anyone, “Show yourself!”

She heard laughter around her but she couldn’t pin point it, “You’re scared.”

She tried to keep her voice calm, “Only a coward would hide in the darkness.”

She wanted to appear confident like the other priests always where. She knew she had it in her she had to bring it out. She wasn’t a pathetic. She was tough and has taken out a few in her lessons. This was no different.

The voice was behind her, “I am the darkness.”

She turned around and no one was there. She felt a pull on the spear and she whipped around again. This time she saw someone. She had never seen him in person but she knew then who he was. Bakura was in front of her.

She gripped onto the spear as he stood before her full of confidence. What stood out about Bakura was the scar on his right cheek. A line running down his face from the bottom of his eye down to his chin. The other two scars ran perpendicular from his ear to his nose. They were lighter then all of his tan skin so they were begging to be seen. No one knew where he had gotten them but she had assumed from the disaster at Kul Elna.

His white hair was a mess on top of his head and she could see the dirt resting in it from here. It reached past his ears and went any which way it wanted. His robe over his clothing was red and a white but clearly as dirty as his hair. The clothing exposed most of his chest and legs but it was enough for Airin to see he was all muscle.

She noticed all the gold trinkets on him. Anywhere from the rings to the anklets. He was clearly showing off what he now had in his possession. She was almost envious. He wore as much gold as the priests and the pharaoh wore.

His smirk was dangerous yet playful to her, “You’re not running for help girl?”

She pulled the spear in a ready position and glared, “I am not a helpless girl.”

“Yes,” Bakura took a step closer and she took a step back to keep the distance, “I am aware. I have seen you in Thebes.”

She shook her head, “I don’t leave the palace. You are mistaken.”

He continued to step forward, “No, you don’t leave during the day. You sneak out at night when they can’t see you and the shadows conceal you. I’ve watched you do it; several times now. The last time just two nights ago.”

She felt the color drain from her face. She had left at night two nights ago. He had watched her. She shook her head. There was no way he had been in the city that long. He surly would be caught.

“You took something of value from me and I am here to collect it.”

“I never took anything from you! I’ve never seen you before.”

Bakura erupted into another fit of laughter, “It was a knife. Gold with the finest jewels in it. It is personal to me and you have it. I can’t kill the pharaoh without it.”

She shook her head, “You are mistaken.”

Bakura stood then in amazement. He knew this young woman had taken it from his horse. He had watched her as he had dropped off a dead body behind one of the market stands. She went through almost all of his belongings.

He got quiet and he stepped forward again, “No further thief. I will kill you.”

He could sense the fear in her voice. He was sure she could fight but he could tell she was afraid of him. He was wondering if he was the first actually enemy that she had faced. He wasn’t going to back off either. He wanted that knife.

He let out a growl and watched the female take a defense position as the spear was pointed towards him. He smirked and reached for the spear. He pulled her closer and she didn’t let go of the spear. She was weaker then him and she wasn’t expected his strength.

He ripped the spear out of her hands and threw it behind him. She backed away from him and he asked her again for the knife. She told him she didn’t know what he was talking about.

Though, this time around when he got close enough she sent her fist into his face. Bakura wasn’t expecting the force behind it. The time she went for another he grasped her wrist and pulled it her against him. He walked towards a wall and pinned her to the cold stone wall.

She could feel the heat radiating off of him against her and her dress felt thin. His violet eyes made her soul shiver. Seto’s may have been icy and cold but Bakura’s were different. They seemed to hide all of his emotions in a way.

She could feel his chest rumble as he spoke, “I’ll ask you again. Where is my knife?”

“I don’t have it.”

“I know that is a lie.” He leaned towards her ear and she felt his hand grip onto the edge of her dress, “You’re not a fool.”

He slipped the material up exposing her right thigh and he felt himself smirk as he pulled his head away from her ear. He could see two leather straps tied against her thigh and a knife being held against her skin. It was his knife.

He pulled the knife away from the restraints on her thigh and let the material of her dress fall back down. She could feel the cold metal against her throat as she continued to look at him.

He pressed the blade closer and let the blade dig into her skin, “Never lie to a thief.”

He pulled away from her and started to head down the way she had original come. She ran to pick up the spear and she told him to stop. He did stop and turned around. He looked at the spear in her hands.

Bakura tilted his head to the side, “You’re trying to stop me?”

“In the name of Pharaoh Atem you will surrender.”

Bakura reached down and picked up the torch that was still burning, “Are you challenging me girl?”

“I am not challenging you Bakura. I’m telling you to surrender.”

He looked at her in amazement, “My, either you are misguided by Thoth or you are brave.”

He moved to swing the torch her way but she backed up. Her bare feet felt like ice against the floor. It was like Bakura had changed the atmosphere around her. She felt her self shiver but kept her attention to Bakura. He wasn’t to be giving the slightest advantage.

She had heard stories of what trouble he had caused. Ruined towns and left many dead. He also had a thing for turning people against each other. She had never witnessed any of the shed of evil he possessed but she was going to make sure it ended here.

Hell, maybe Priest Seto would appreciate her more if she brought the thief king down herself.

Bakura had closed the distance while Airin had daydreamed. She tried to back up but Bakura collided the torch with the spear. She wasn’t expecting the force and held on. This time she shoved the spear against the torch forcing Bakura to take a step back.

Within a minute she had successfully gotten the torch away from him and it slid across the palace floor. Bakura didn’t waste any time grabbing the spear and pulled her close to him again. She struggled to try to pull it away but his grip was that of a snake never letting go. He dragged her slightly and forced her to lean against one of the walls.

The spear was held against her throat and she tried once more to force him away, “Impressive for a slave. I may have to keep you. A little more training and I could have you storming the palace for me.”

She spoke against the wood of the spear, “Never.”

He smirked once again, “It looks like I have a challenge now–”

He stopped speaking when they both could hear voices down the hall. Airin recognized one right of the bat then the other. Seto and Atem were heading this way towards the two of them.

Bakura let the spear fall away and grabbed Airin by the throat. He forced her to face away from him but he held her close. She could smell him she was so close. She nearly gagged. He smelled like he hadn’t bathed in ages. Which was probably the truth.

He forced her to walk in the direction of the two voiced and she felt a cold blade at her side. She didn’t even try to struggle. She would surly impale herself on his knife. She didn’t trust him anyways.

Priest Seto’s blues eyes almost came out of his head, “Airin?”

Atem’s voice was low, “Bakura.”

Bakura’s voice reverberated through his chest and Airin could feel every word against her, “It’s a pleasure to see you again pharaoh. You look well. Less dead if I may say.”

The pharaoh stepped forward, “Let her go.”

“I don’t think I can do that. See, she and I are settling a disagreement.”

Airin watch Seto’s hand grip the millennium rod tighter. She found it interesting how angry he was. She’d been there long enough to know his simple actions. She’d know for a fact that he was upset but she was questioning why. He would have never cared for a slave.

But, then again this was Bakura. He was their number one enemy.

The pharaoh on the other hand was calm and collected, “Let her go Bakura. She useless to you.”

“No. I think she’ll do just fine with me. A good fighter. I need one of those.”

No. Bakura wasn’t going to take her. She let that thought run through her mind and she was sure it was running through the other two’s minds down the hall. At least she was hoping.

“If you two don’t mind, I’ll be leaving with my prize unless you plan to offer something else.”

Priest Seto’s eyes narrowed, “Sudden death?”

Atem glared at Seto before looking back over, “What do you want Bakura?”

“I want what is hanging around your neck.”

She felt herself shake her head. Bakura couldn’t have the millennium puzzle. That was selected by the gods for the pharaoh to keep. It was his and his alone. All the items were selected for a certain person. That is why Seto was so prideful with the rod. It was practically made for him and him alone.

Bakura spoke as if the heavens were spoiling him with the riches of the valleys, “And if you don’t plan on giving it to me I’ll just take her.”

Seto took a step forward, “My pharaoh, let me deal with this mad man.”

“No. He won’t be leaving with anything.”

Airin didn’t believe the pharaoh. As much as she trusted him, she refused to believe him. She really doubted him when the floor erupted in front of her eyes. A creature stood before he and she felt Bakura back up with her close.

Bakura had summoned a ka. She knew this wasn’t his. She’d heard Bakura’s ka was a god almost as strong as Ra himself. This was something smaller. She wondered if this was because of the shrine. She hopped not. Then that meant he could summon anything.

Airin couldn’t hear what the pharaoh was saying but Bakura wasn’t giving her the chance. He was already down the hall with her as the scene had settled. She struggled to get away from him but he wasn’t letting her go.

No, he was found of her. He wasn’t going to waste this talent here. She would learn that this was a prison. Bakura knew to himself he was going to show her the real way of living. Yes. She was going to adjust and become the thief she wants to be so badly.

He led her out of the palace in passage way she had never seen before. She had wanted to scream but the knife in his hand ever so close to her skin. She felt his grip tighten even more now. He must have sensed someone coming.

Airin could hear Mahado, “Go now! Search. He is still in here.”

She couldn’t believe how the darkness soaked her up against Bakura. They were hidden perfectly and Bakura knew it. He was planning on it. This time when he did move again it was out an opening to the dark night.

The cold desert air hit Airin like a wind storm. The sand was calm under her feet but she still felt the air rush past her. She felt the knife moved impossibly closer and she stopped trying to pull away. It finally dawned on her he was taking her. That he wasn’t lying.

“No. You’re not taking me. No.”

He laughed, “You should have started struggling ages ago.”

“Mind that you have a knife at my side.”

He dragged her to a dark horse, “I wouldn’t have used it against you. I need you.”

He reached into a pouch tied to his horse and brought out a rope. Yes, there was where the knife had been. She had stolen it from him. She knew now that maybe she didn’t want to steal anymore. This had gotten her into enough trouble.

His horse looked at her and snorted. Bakura laughed and tied her hands together. She felt a sense of humanity in him with the simple notion from the horse. He had acted as if he understood the horse. He clearly took care of it. The horse was healthier then the pharaoh’s.

He put the knife in the pouch and let go of Airin. She had motioned to run but he caught her quickly and pulled her close. He let out another threat of damage against her and told her to get on the horse. As much as she wanted the adventurous life she declined from him.

“Get on the horse now or by the Gods there will trouble for you.”

She showed him her hands, “I can’t.”

He reached over grabbing her by the waist and picked her up. She let out a light squeak and he placed her on the horse and soon joined her. She had her legs on either side of the horse’s shoulders and her back against Bakura. He held her against him and clicked his tongue.

The horse snorted one more time before started to wonder off in a slight jog. Bakura wanted the horse quiet for the trip away. They didn’t want to be seen. He wanted to sneak away like he had in many other occasions.

The smell of him was getting to her again, “You don’t need me. There are plenty of other stronger thieves.”

“I am well aware.”

“Then why me?”

He was calm as the horse transition into a run, “I told you already.”


He snarled, “Girl, I suggest you to shut that trap before I gag you.”

She spoke softly, “I have a name and I am not a girl. I am of age.”

“Yes, Airin. I have heard,” He shifted behind her and she felt one of his hands slip and rest against her thigh, “As for the age…”

She cut him off, “Don’t.”

She turned her head slight and caught him smiling with humor, “Yes. I think I will enjoy having you around.”

♠ ♠ ♠
Ok. So this was a request as you've seen but this has been something that I've been wanting to write for a while. XD I know, I'm a loser.

Please comment. I would love it if you did. :D

Thanks. <3