Status: Oneshot. Complete!

I Love Shopping

Princess writes a poem about the one thing she likes besides trying to be a Powerpuff Girl: shopping! Prompts: shopping, credit card, money, wealth.

Hey there, guys! I was thinking about Princess Morbucks as I was reading “Poor Princess” by 14Checker (where Princess is 16 years old), and it’s really awesome so far! It’s a great read, and I highly recommend it too. I especially like the second chapter, as Princess is at the mall in that one, and I was thinking of a good poem about shopping that Princess would write, and this came to my mind (after not having very many ideas because of writer’s block).

Hope you like it!

Disclaimer:Genius Craig McCracken owns The Powerpuff Girls. I own the oneshots, poems and stories.
  1. A Poem