Status: Active

Waking up Just Got a Little Too Weird for Me

Chapter Eighteen

Casey sighed as she woke up the next morning. She tried to snuggle into Allan's arms once again, but found he wasn't even there. Strange. Now that she thought about it, The ground was rather softer than it was before she had fallen asleep. Did it rain? she thought to herself as she opened her eyes. Instead of seeing the treetops of Sherwood Forest, however, she saw a white ceiling. She sat bolt upright, looking around. She was in her old room. She looked at the clock on the wall and it said 7:30. Frantically, she jumped out of bed and looked down. She was in the same clothes she disappeared in so many months ago, not the clothes she fell asleep in with Allan. Confused as hell, she grabbed her keys off the bedside table and made her way downstairs and out to her car.

She sped all the way to the studio, almost getting lost and crashing her car as she hadn't been in it for several months. She parked, quite horribly, in the parking lot and ran inside.

"Quite early for you love." Much said, sitting in the lounge drinking some coffee. No. Wait. Sam?

"What?" she asked, still slightly dazed.

"I said you're early. Special occasion?" he asked, looking up at her.

"No. Wait. Why aren't you asking me where I've been gone too?" she asked.

"Because I figured you have been at your flat. Why? Have you been somewhere else?" he asked.

"Um. No. I don't think so. What day is it?" Casey asked.

"June 2nd. Casey, are you alright?" Much, no, Sam asked, standing up and walking over to her.

June 2nd. That means that yesterday was the day she disappeared. Which means she wasn't really even gone.

"What? No. I'm fine. Why do you ask?" she asked, more than slightly confused.

"Because you're spazzing out and you're sweating up a storm." he replied, sticking his hand out to feel her forehead.

"Huh. Okay. I guess I better go home. Must be sick. See you later." she said, dodging his hand and rushing out the door.

She climbed back into her car and leaned her head against the steering wheel. She had no idea what was going on. One minute, she was lying in the arms of the man she loved, and the next, she was back in her own time, confused out of her mind. She was sure it was not a dream, but she didn't know how to explain it. Slowly, she started up the engine and drove back to her apartment.

She climbed up the stairs and opened the door. She walked in and suddenly it sunk in what this meant. She would probably never see Allan again. She sank to the ground and tears were stinging her eyes. Just when she had found happiness in the place, it was ripped out from under her and torn away, leaving her with nothing but the memories. She started to outright sob when a loud crash from her bedroom made her silent. She thought she heard whispered voices but she wasn't sure, so she grabbed the closest thing to her, which just so happened to be a flip-flop, and walked stealthily to her room.

There were most definitely whispered voices coming from in there, so she did the first thing that came to her mind. She burst through the door with a wild yell, and began to beat the closest person with the flip-flop.

"What are you doing? Are you mad?"

She stopped mid hit and saw Robin cowering in front of her. She looked up, and saw the whole gang, squeezed into her tiny bedroom.

"What. The. Hell?" she asked no one in particular.

"You're telling me. What's going on? One minute, we're in camp, the next we're here." Allan replied.

"What? What happened? How did we get here? What's going on?" Casey asked, slightly frantic.

"Casey, calm down. We'll figure it out. Just take a deep breath." Will said, trying to calm her.

"How can I be calm? I was just in the forest with you lot, now we're all in my flat! What...? It doesn't make sense. Why do we keep changing times? I do not like this! It's confusing! Oh geeze, I think I'm having a heart attack!" she cried, sliding down the wall clutching her chest.

No one from the gang really knew what a heart attack was, but as Casey was just kinda freaking out like she sometimes did, they didn't really think it was anything that serious. Djaq sat beside her.

"Do you need some water or something?" she asked slowly.

"No I don't need some water! I need a freaking ambulance! I'm going into cardiac arrest!" Casey cried overdramatically.

"You're being arrested? By who?" Robin asked, pulling his bow from his back and fitting it with an arrow.

"No! Oh forget it. The moment's passed now." Casey grumbled, standing up and brushing her pants off.

"Is anyone else as confused as I am?" Much asked, raising his hand.

"I am." Allan replied, studying the girl.

"She's yours, remember." Much laughed slightly.

"I'm already beginning to wonder about that." Allan smiled, crossing his arms as Casey began to pace.

"Okay. So I was transferred to your time for a few months, fell in love, then got transported back to my time. A little bit later, you end up in my time. So what gives? Are you going to be here for a few months? Until someone falls in love here? Oh my! That's it! Allan and I admitted our feelings to each other and then we were all transported here! So that means that one of you has got to fall in love with someone here and then we can go back! Oh my! It's brilliant! Now, which of you to choose? Not Da-Michael. Too young. Will has Djaq and vice versa. Robin and Marian. Allan is mine. That leaves John and Much." she turned to face the outlaws, all of who had a shocked look plastered on their face.

"I have Eve!" Much shouted an instant later.

"Okay then. Little John, we gotta find you a woman." Casey replied, looking the big man up and down.

"Casey, are you sure about this? What about how you got to our time in the first place?" Robin asked, looking at the slightly crazed girl.

"And what about the woman John "falls in love" with? Are you going to drag her back to our time too or split them up?" Will asked.

"Shut up. We'll think about that later. This is the plan. Now, I have a neighbor. She's kinda crazy, but I think you two would be great together. And I don't think she'd notice if she got transferred to a different time. As long as there are cats in the past, which I'm sure there are, duh, she'll be okay. Alright. Now to the planning stage of all this." Casey said, walking out of the bedroom.

The outlaws were all shell shocked.

"Any person she calls crazy scares me." Much said.

"Anyone else think this is going to fail?" Djaq asked.

"Allan. You better take care of that woman of yours." John said, a slightly frightened look on his face.

"I think if we let her plan for a little while and go with it for a little while, she'll realize it's dumb and we can begin the real planning to get home." Michael said.

"Yeah. Just let her have her fun for a while. She's bat crazy. She'll eventually figure it out." Allan said, waving his hand dismissively.

"You amaze me sometimes." Djaq replied in disgust as she walked out of the room.

"Why? What did I do?" he asked.

"You just called the woman you're in love with a nutter." Will said.

"Well it's true. It's not like anyone is denying it. It's one of the many things I love about her, though." Allan replied, getting a dreamy look on his face.

"Let's go, Lover Boy." Much stated, pushing Allan out of the bedroom as they walked to wherever Casey was.
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Oh my gosh, so sorry this is a million years late, yo.