‹ Prequel: How I Came To Be

Who Knows How It Feels?

Dreams of Masculinity

He felt a strange contentment; a feeling that he could keep his composure.

A week spent on cold beds; on hard matresses, in a world for the rich. Longing for something.

He didn't get it.

A long journey across desolate farmland, staring at a world that appears defiled by the plough; passing between each centre of industry, gloomy landscapes from dark canvasses; until he'd reach the area he called "home."

For the next few days it would be his home, nobody was around, apart from those he wished to be there. 24 hours of girly chatter later, all had left, he was alone with nothing but his contemplation; and he slept.

He walked down the path; following amber footprints, seeking something to hold. About him faces with dark intent, dealing between each other, stabs and whispers in darkness; he saw his ancestors smiling down: the celts, the saxons, the norse. He ascended into a land of light; a fork lay ahead in the road; one leading to the hills and villages, one leading to the forests of ash and oak, he was about to make a decision...

"This is my church."

Interrupted by Sister Bliss; betraying her name by setting him in a mood blacker than the darkest abyss...

At least now he had something to write about.
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ooooooo..... don't you just want to hug him? no?.... well then i'm lonely tonight aren't i!