‹ Prequel: How I Came To Be

Who Knows How It Feels?

Behind Green Eyes

Soothing Stones used; his mind wandered as he lay among freinds.

Heart rate increases; breathing becomes erratic.

And there it was; the image of the perfect pale body, assaulted by exterior force; the disgusting, deformed remains of a past man. He had died since then, but his memory lived on.

He relived the moment time and time again, assualt upon the sacred; causing nature to turn away.

Outside he received blow on blow, as they tried to wake him up.

Inside: They don't understand, nobody could understand. The worst thing. The worst thing! I can never turn back, they must be right i can't remember past that moment; how do i know i didn't?

Outside the situation seemed tense as they checked his pulse, and attempted to get him back.

How could I live beyond this?

"Dude, we need you!"

Awoken from stupor; brought back to them.

"If you do that again you die."

If only it were true, if only...
♠ ♠ ♠
.... all similarities to actual persons and events.... is because they all are....

any suggestions for a main character's name?