‹ Prequel: How I Came To Be

Who Knows How It Feels?

The Young Mother

She sat there before him,
He just admired her.

She was sitting there on the sofa, maternal profile; true beauty through simple action.
He just admired her.

He felt and incredibly obligation, that he should always be there; that he should change the ideas he held before and be with her.
He knew that none of this was real:
He knew that the child he saw was plastic and electronic
He knew that he was just feeling an instinct that was easily fooled

But it made him think
If she could show this maternalism
And he saw this beauty in her
Then the beauty would continue
And she might always be this beautiful to him
Perhaps his previous thoughts of her were false
Maybe she could care
But then it struck

He would never be loved by her
It would never be possible
He felt empty
His once azure mind turned to black once again
And he returned to his depressive state
But now he felt as a father denied, instead of a lover
Although he knew this was all false.
♠ ♠ ♠
.... its gotten a bit more poetic in structure....