The Conversation with Violet and Herselves

One More Door.

Violet turned around and saw one last door. She walked calmly over to it. Behind it, she was surprised to see Jenna in perfect condition.

"I thought you were in trouble?" she questioned.

"I was, but when you stood up for yourself, I slowly recovered."


"Yes. I'm so proud of you. And I'm glad you finally understand that you are your own person, and you control yourself."

"Yeah, and it feels so good to know that. Like, I feel so much better right now!"

"It's a nice feeling isn't it?"

"Great feeling!"

"That's so good to know." Jenna smiled sweetly.

"For sure, I also realized that I shouldn't care what others think of me. My opinion of myself should only matter, and my friends' and family's. They are the ones who accept me for who I am in the first place."


"Ah yes. This is a good feeling. Thank you for always being there for me."

"Your welcome and I always will."

"Ugh, I feel so awesome right now!" Violet was full of joy and happiness.

"Now you know what to do when Clarissa comes around."

"Oh yeah, I'm not going to let her get to me anymore."

"Glad to hear that."

A smile reached from ear to ear on Violet's face.