Sequel: Nuclear Genocide

Nuclear Genocide: Outnumbered

Nuclear Genocide: Outnumbered Chapter 1

It’s been 6 years since the huge earthquake/tsunami incident in Japan. The country is still trying to get back to their feet. Everything was going pretty well, but something else happened, something only the people of the government knew about. The earthquake had not only caused the tsunami but it all so destroyed something underground of Japan, it destroyed a tank of gas known as Genomic (Gen-o-mic) Gas.

At first they were very paranoid about it, but as the year went by and nothing had happened so they figured their secret experiment was a failure. What had thought would have happened was the Nuclear radiation that had went into the air would mix with the recently released and untested Genomic gas.

The Genomic was an experiment to enhance the performance of their soldiers. They assumed that the nuclear gas mixed with the Genomic gas would have a very negative effect on their people as well as the people in California and boarding states of it.

To their relief nothing had happened to the Americans or their people, although they did find it strange that nobody was affected by the radiation. They guessed that the Genomic had negated the affects of the Genomic gases and had affected nobody. Unfortunately that was not the case, what the Genomic did was it mutated it.

It slowly spread from person to person. From airborne contact, and psychical contact the virus was slow delivered to everyone in Japan and some of the U.S. About three years after the gas had settled Japan witnessed their first incident involving the nuclear and Genomic gas mix-up.

A man named Akiru Yang notice that his body started changing, he skin got tougher, his body height weight and body tone changed. His body image went from 55 to a 25 year old. Now you would think this is a good thing, unfortunately this is just the positive affect of the radiation.

The man’s skin became transparent, exposing all of his internal parts. His wife a nurse started to notice these changes, she kept quiet about them until she began to get worried. On day he got aggressive with her and beat her for changing the channel on the T.V. When her husband was asleep she reported this to the police, and the next day they had arrived at the house to take the man to jail.

Akiru did not want to go and so locked himself inside his house. They tried to negotiate with him but the more they tried the more frustrated he got. When his wife tried to talk to him he killed her by snapping her neck. At this they had thrown tear gas into the house to get the man out.

When he came out he quickly ran at the police. In their fright they started shoot at him multiple times. Once they stopped to reload the man was still standing and began to growl at them. Then one of the snipers they had set out shot him in the head blowing half his head apart. Even after that the man was still standing and angrier then every, but after the second shot he fell to his knees and later face forward.

The Japanese government had soon closed off the streets to collect the body and take it in for an autopsy. The autopsy revealed scary results, one of the most notable was that they pull over 60 bullets out of the body not counting the 2 that went through the skull. They also knew that his skin was too tough to cut with a scalpel so they had to use a kitchen’s chef’s knife. His organs where tougher then normal, and several of them contained bullets from the encounter.

When scientists reported their discovery to the government they immediately attempted to silence this accident. Unfortunately more of these incidents where seen and they all ended the same way, multiple bullets to take down one target. The United States didn’t have their first incident until 2 moths after Japan’s first one, same problem, and same solution.

The U.S scientists did an autopsy on their first body as well and came up with the same results as the Japanese scientist. They traced the nuclear gas back to Japan and also discovered the unknown gas mixed with it. Jim Thompson the current U.S president told the leader of Japan Keitaro Takahashi that he would be coming to Japan to discuss this issue.

Keitaro explained to the president what was happening, what the mysterious gas was and what it purpose was. Jim decided that scientists from Japan and the U.S would meet and try to come up with a solution with this problem. They met May 3rd 2017 and by September 8th 2017 the problem had increased. With more people transforming into these monsters now know as Genomes (Gen-o-ms) they country of Japan and some of the west United States where being overrun.

People began going into hiding, creating safe houses and stocking up on weapons as best they could. Well this where our story takes place, December 3rd 2017. Japan and North America are being infested with these Genome creatures. Germany, Russia, and China debate with each other, trying to decide if they let the U.S and Japan surer or if they should help.

I will begin this story in Japan, with my 2 friends, with my death. My friends and me where hiding out until I started to change. They let me live thinking that they would find a cure for it before I changed, but I knew it was futile. In the end I asked them to kill me when I felt the urges becoming too great bare. My death is where I will start this story and I will narrate it from now until the end. I will refer myself in this story as Him or He. Let’s begin.