Lucky Accident

Chapter 1.

John Tavares sighed as faced the harsh New York weather. He wasn’t exactly used to New York weather just yet, he missed the warm and foggy weather that he grew up to. John pulled his Ipod out from his jacket and clicked play, letting the music fill his ears and erase any thoughts he had about hockey.

He enjoyed hockey, it was his passion the one thing he thought about from the time he woke up till the time he went to sleep. He had trained all his life to make it to the NHL and it was a dream come true to be living out his dream. But lately, John’s life had become all about hockey and that scared him. It scared him a lot. Before making it to the NHL a lot of guys had told him that he needed to have some other hobby or something, someone to keep his life balanced. To much hockey could be a bad thing, they had warned him.

Boy, had John wished he listened to their warnings because his whole life had become hockey. He needed something or someone to him balanced to keep him from going crazy. John sighed again, looking at his watch seeing that he had only 20 more minutes to make it to practice. He kept his head down sending a text message to his good friend Josh Bailey asking him if he could cover for him if he happened to be late for practice.

John didn’t have time to move out the way and before he could, he accidentally knocked over someone. “Ah shit,” John said, placing his phone and Ipod into his jacket. “I’m sorry.”

He looked at girl he knocked over and he half expected her to tell him to watch where the hell he was going. He hadn’t exactly had a good experience with some people that lived in New York.

So he was quite surprised when she shook her dark brown hair and mumbled, “It’s okay, I should of looked where I was going.” She had been in a rush, her writing class started in 30 minutes and she had to get to class early.

He bent down helping her stack her papers together and as he handed them to her, their hands touched and his body felt warm. He couldn’t try to explain how he felt, but he felt warm inside. How was it possible that one little touch could make him feel warm inside?

She pulled her hand back, placing the papers into a folder. “Thanks,” she said, her eyes meeting his. John looked into her eyes and felt himself get lost. They were a bright brown, but they looked so…so empty. Like they were emotionless. Suddenly, he wanted to know why they were so empty. He wanted to know her story.

She blushed and moved her head away, placing her folder back into her purse. “I should get going,” She whispered, “Thanks.”

John flashed her a half grin, “I probably should watch were I’m going next time, hun?”

She nodded her head, before standing up and watching as John stood up as well. He was tall, she noted to herself and very good looking. “A lot of people aren’t as nice,” She answered with a groan as her phone alarm rang. She was going to be late to class. “I gotta go,” She mumbled, pushing past him.

“Wait!” John yelled as he watched her walk away, “I never got your name!”

She turned over and John could once again see the pain in her eyes, “It’s not important,” She yelled back.

John stood here, dumbfounded as he watched her become nothing but a small figure until eventually he couldn’t make her out anymore. He shook his head, why wasn’t her name important? Who was she? He thought to himself as he rushed to make it to practice. Coach would kill him if he was late.
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This short story (it's only going to be about 4-6 chapters) is for my good friend Angie, who writes amazing stories that I'm currently reading. So you all should go and check them out!
And how did you guys like this? Are you hooked yet? Thoughts, comments? I'd love to hear from you all! <3